Yes, brushless are used in model aircraft for two primary reasons:
higher efficiency and low RF interference. There are other advantages as
I really know very little about electric motors, controllers,
etc. which is why I'm hoping to hear comments from the experts. I
prefer to buy and adapt off-the-shelf units that are already designed for
underwater applications (saltwater) rather than building housings and so
forth myself.
I hope you and all the PSubbers around the world are having a very
merry Christmas. The sun will rise in another 20 minutes here in the
central US.
In a message dated 12/25/2010 6:37:21 A.M. Central Standard Time, writes:
Hmm.. the 1,6 to 2,6 kw high power running a modelhelicopter
units also?
Better test before speed on building 2-3 thruster this way
and find out that the sub sensors are blind by by pulse noise. The brushless
electronic is also pulse moudulation isn't it?
<> schrieb: >
Carsten, > > You brought up another advantage of brushless
motors. They cause much > less interference than brushed
motors which is one reason they're used in hard > drives and
cooling fans in computers. > > Jim >
> > In a message dated 12/25/2010 3:17:46 A.M. Central
Standard Time, > writes: > >
Why not. But make shure that brushles motors and sonar/echosounder do
not > interfer. > vbr Carsten > >
<> schrieb: > > Since one of the
problems with compensated motors is the tendency of the >
> > brushes to float at higher RPM, this begs the question of
why brushless > > motors are not commonly used instead
to eliminate that issue? > Brushless also > >
tend to generate less heat as well as having other
advantages. Is the > > > issue just the
higher cost? Less availability? Complexity of >
controllers? > > > > I don't know If Minnkota
produces brushless units or not, but I can > > contact
them. What about the manufacturers of bow thrusters? >
> Weigh in with what you know. > > > >
Thanks, > > Jim > > > > >
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