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Interesting catch, Hugh.  Definitely something wrong with that formula.

On 10/31/2010 11:06 PM, Hugh Fulton wrote:

Hi Sean,


I am having problems with doing Q.A. on my shell for out of roundness.  This is an area which is fairly important to measure.

I have applied the 1% rule as a general tolerance but trying to comply and understand the PVHO caclcs.


ASME PVHO-1-2007 has a section:-


1-7.13.3 (e) (2)  Formula for c


c= 2.28(R/t)^0.54  cannot get under the required 2.8 with any normal measurements of a vessel .


Do you have any experience with this. 

My diameter is 48” and the shell thickness 5/16”  L is 15.75” 

Have you done any calcs on this area. 


Do/t for my purpose is 162 which falls within normal dimensions and under UG80.1 gives sensible answers.