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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Does anybody have a copy of this book?

I don't have the book you reference but in the book titled "The Last Emperor Hubert Wilkins - Australia's Unknown Hero",   http://www.amazon.com/Last-Explorer-Hubert-Wilkins-Australias/dp/0733618316/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1285248073&sr=1-1-spell
there is a chapter titled "The voyage of the Nautilus"  that covers this episode in which an old WWI submarine was used in an ill fated expedition to explore below the North  Pole in 1931. 

This book  is very good read and a true story.   Even though Wilkins is largely unknown to the world, the US Navy held him in such high esteem that they conducted a covert operation at the height of the cold war in which the USS Skate commanded by Captain James Calvert March 17, 1959 surfaced at the North Pole to deliver the ashes of this man who was neither an American nor ever served in the US Navy. 

