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Jon that's the way I understood the requirements.
In a message dated 8/5/2010 8:19:03 P.M. Central Daylight Time, jonw@psubs.org writes:

Dean, Kyle,

This discussion is timely since I'm having a similar one with some others privately.  In the US, flares (pyrotechnic devices) are not a requirement but a "choice".  Boats 16 feet or more in length can use an approved electric distress light for night use, and an approved orange flag for daytime use ( 33 CFR 175.110(a) ).  Boats less than 16 feet in length (most psubs) are only required to carry a distress signal for night use (sunset to sunrise) ( 33 CFR 175.110(b) ).

Now it may be that flares are cheaper than an approved electric distress light for night use, and it may be that flares will attract more attention than an orange flag for daytime use.  However, Federal Regulations do not require flares onboard any vessel.

Have your wife check it out Dean.  CFR's are online all over the place.

Kyle, if you're worried about it, here are some links.


On 8/5/2010 10:05 AM, Recon1st@aol.com wrote:
Kyle I agree with you about a flare on the inside. Seems like a real problem if it were
to go off. Maybe a container on the outside.
What time are you coming through Duluth. I should probably touch base with you. Maybe at
Two Harbors. Today and tomorrow will be at Knife River marina working on my surface
boat. To bad my sub is still apart sounds like a fun event.  I am still a few weeks away from
putting back in for some playing. I will not go deep yet this year as I have not done any
dunk tests. This winter I am building a pontoon support craft with winch. I will use this
to tow around the lake and deep test.
In a message dated 8/4/2010 10:05:09 P.M. Central Daylight Time, edlunddds@comcast.net writes:
I was thinking about adding something like that for flares whitch the Coast Guard in Duluth said I needed on board.  I objected to them in the sub and they kind of backed down but if they wanted to stick me with something then that could be it. 
By the way, on Friday I will be towing the sub thru Dululth on the way to Grand Marais for the Fisherman's Picnic were it will be in the Boat Parade in the harbor at 12 noon.