Hey Vance,
I’ll offer you 1.5X what you paid for her!!! Save you all that time putting it back together!
From: owner-personal_submersibles@psubs.org [mailto:owner-personal_submersibles@psubs.org] On Behalf Of vbra676539@aol.com
This may be the worst kept secret in the group, but I wanted to let everyone know that my deal is done and I have acquired the Nekton Gamma submersible. Just got back to Florida from a gonzo run to the Gulf Coast with my brother Nick to load a truck with goodies and bring the sub home. Gamma has been dismantled and in storage for 9 years. There is rust damage to the main ballast tanks, but otherwise she seems in good shape. I intend to keep you up to date through the psubs web page as we get her repaired and running again. With photos, of course.
The Nekton family (Submaray, Nekton Alpha, the twins Beta and Gamma and, of course, Delta), have collectively made over 12,000 dives through their 40+ years of their existence. They are simple, rugged and reliable. In a very real sense, they were psubs before the phrase was coined--but not psubs of the garage queen variety. These little vehicles were built to work, and work they did. And still do. How things were done, and why, should provide a wealth of information and aha moments for all of us.
Several of our members have already offered to lend a hand getting Gamma ready to hit the water again. You know who you are, guys, and I want to thank you. The rest of you are welcome to ask any questions you like. Meanwhile, I will be tracking back through operator/owners from the past for more data. Additionally, I would very much like to locate the Alpha and Beta. If you know anything about them (where they are, what they are doing, who owns them currently, etc.) and feel like sharing, please contact me (off-site or on).
So, what's first, you ask? Sorting all those boxes, of course.
Best Regards, Vance