The Wikipedia article on the USS Tang is well worth reading.
Here's an excerpt and the link. -Jim
At 02:30 on the morning of 25 October, the 24th, last torpedo was fired. It
broached and curved to the left in a circular run. Tang fishtailed under
emergency power to clear the turning circle of the torpedo, but it struck her
abreast the aft torpedo room approximately 20 seconds after it was fired.
Tang sank by the stern. Those who escaped the submarine were greeted in
the morning with the bow of the transport sticking straight out of the water.
Nine survivors, including the commanding officer, were picked up the next
morning by a Japanese destroyer escort. They spent the remainder of the war in
of war camps.
In a message dated 7/7/2010 7:44:22 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes: