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RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Personal statement

   I know,
   besides, I need a sub first before the tubes get put in.
   I have tried toying with a torpedoe. I used a small electric motor but when I placed my small prop in the water is was  dragged down to a crawl.
   There is a whole lot more to getting one to actually work. During WWII many of our own subs were sunk by their own fish too!
   Now popping a few m 80 mines in your neighbors harbor could be fun.

                                                                                                                      David Bartsch 

Date: Wed, 7 Jul 2010 18:54:13 -0500
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Personal statement
From: kocpnt@tds.net
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org

It's a joke!
Best Regards,
Jim K

On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 6:00 PM, David Bartsch <dbartsch2236@hotmail.com> wrote:
Personal Mission Statement:
 (1) "I will not develop nor will I assist in the development of any weapon or weapons delivery system designed for use on or from a personal submarine"
 (2) "I will not transport nor aid in the transport of any illegal narcotics, weapons, or any other counter banded materials"
 (3) "I will not use my personal submarine in the transport or trafficking of human beings accept being for the use of and pleasure from my submarine itself"
 (4)  "I will notify the proper authorities at my earliest convenience of any illegal activities I may be a witness of during the operation of my craft"
                                                                                                                                     -Davd Bartsch-
> Subject: RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Luxury submarine yacht - how would it shape up if experts...
> Date: Wed, 7 Jul 2010 15:59:18 -0400
> From: benjamin.fritz@navy.mil
> To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
> With all of our collective ingenuity it shouldn't be hard to build some torpedoes for our boats... Ha, ha!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-personal_submersibles@psubs.org [mailto:owner-personal_submersibles@psubs.org] On Behalf Of ShellyDalg@aol.com
> Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 3:39 PM
> To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
> Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Luxury submarine yacht - how would it shape up if experts...
> Well shiver me timbers !!!! A well placed torpedo from a personal sub would discourage any land lubbing pirates from accosting a vessel so equipped. Send 'em to Davy Jones locker !!!!!! AARRRRGGGHHH !!!!!!
> Frank D.
> P.S. Slight addition to my boats name....." S.S. Git Kraken "
> ( SS stands for "silver sub" )
> Pulled the sub and trailer up the hill this morning. The hill I speak of is my driveway and it's a 28% grade and about 400 feet long straight up. Was kinda worried about that but it just sailed right up. See you all soon.

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