----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, June 19, 2010 5:01
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] whale
Hi David,
We get a lot of whale strandings in NZ & people do
there darndest
to refloat them. There is conjecture that their
navigation system is confused
by man made interference. But I guess they've been
stranding since Jonahs
days. I guess this biblical account of a whale stranding
also was an account
of histories first personal submersible.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, June 19, 2010 1:33
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] whale
To all:
I read this morning
where a beached whale in Copenhagen is being allowed to die of natural
causes. In that no man made causes to this animal's demise could be
identified, I applaud this decision. It is sad whenever any living
creature's life is cut short from such tragic circumstances, but dying is a
part of life as well.
The case is different
in the Gulf of Mexico whereby animals are suffering as a result of human
interference. Humans in this instance should step in to aid if at all
possible the effected wild life this man made oil spill has touched. We
should also humanely euthanize animals who's suffering would do no more than
cause undo suffering when death is immanent and
I chuckle when I see the sign
at our local State park that reads: "Chickasaw Forest and wildlife
management area"...the best management we humans could do for this wildlife
is simply leave it
David Bartsch
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