I like some of the benefits of a fiberglass hull like no rust and the
ability to make complex shapes. As for the cost though, It's not cheap. The
fiberglass fairings and dive planes I made cost almost a thousand dollars
just in material. They are a minimum of 3/8 inch thick with some small areas up
to 1-1/2 inch. If a guy was to be making a 5 inch thick pressure hull from
fiberglass, I can't imagine what the cost will be. ( LOTS $$$ )
Now I know there are places to get FRP materials cheaper than where I went
but the cost savings isn't all that much. It's not only the resin and cloth.
There's all kinds of stuff needed. It's the little things that add up. Brushes,
buckets, acetone, tools, tape, glue, paints, mold materials, dyes, mold release,
sand paper, rasps, and that list just goes on and on. And another
note.....Fiberglass dust will EAT an electric motor like a grinder, sander, saw,
or whatever tool you've got. Keep the dust out of the motor with masking tape
and be careful not to overheat the tool.
Frank D.