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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Bulkhead Penetrator\Oxygen Fitting

Hi All.

Does anyone have any drawings\dimensions of a removable bulkhead fitting that has worked.  Im looking at something similar to Alec's on snoopy.  See attachment (if it gets through).

Ive ordered 2 subbconn electrical connectors, one of which will go at the front onto a straight forward welded on disk, but the rear one i think i may put on one removable bulkhead so i can change things in the future.   Failing that, im tempted to just make a bulkhead plate, weld it in and just put a few blanking plugs in for things i may need in the future.

Which brings me onto question 2.  The O2 connector.  Can someone tell me the best way to get this through the hull?  The plans show a removable fitting, do i make this?  Or something else nowadays?  Alec's looks like its a 1/4 inch pipe nipple connected to a scube type 1st stage.

Attachment: bulkhead.JPG
Description: image/pjpeg