Rick see psubs.org. Under resources and communications, see the drawing I did titled R300 ... communications schematic. This set up covers the wet/dry issue with a Subconn BH4F electrical penetrator and a mating Subonn IL4m. This drawing shows a combination of both a VHF surface radio and the OTS gear but it would be essentially the same without the VHF gear. You weld a SS cylinder that has a 7/16-20 thread through hole into the pressure hull. This SS cylinder has a face that is machined smooth. The BH4F has a o-ring face seal that gives you a water tight seal when it is screwed into the SS cylinder. You take the 50 ft cable that comes with the transponder (in the CDK-6 kit) on one end and the
connector that attaches to the OTS SSB-2010 radio on the other end. You cut a 43 ft section out of the middle of this coaxial cable and discard. The two cut ends are electrically connected as per the drawing and potted with RTV. The cable with transponder and IL4m wet connector plugs into the BH4F. The other cable splices into the pig tail on the BH4F that is on the 1-atm side of the hull. This splice is also potted with RTV.
You need an OTS SSB-2010 radio in the boat. The OTS STX-101 is a surface unit that also comes with a 50 ft transponder.
That's it.
Cliff Redus
Redus Engineering
USA Office: 830-663-6445
USA mobile: 830-931-1280
From: landnseawelding <landnsea1@hawaiiantel.net>
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Sent: Thu, February 25, 2010 11:54:23 AM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] U/W comms
I am going to use the OTS system on my boat #STX 101 & CDK-6 which is the portable transponder which comes with 50' of cable. Would like to hear from anyone who has used the CDK-6 and how they made the wet/dry transfer to one ATM.