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Hi All,
I dont want people to think ive dissapeared.....

Ive been a bit out of touch recently as (i think i told you all) ive been made reduntant and was expecting to have a couple of months off to get on with the sub.  But, a new job came up and ive been really busy with that.  The job is a full time teacher at the local college where i have worked for some years.  Its been a real nightmare to get up to speed with it.

Anyway, problem number 2 is im bombarded with spam on this address.  I have updated my psubs account with a new address but i'm  not going to put it on this mail or i'll end up inthe same boat.  If anyone wants to contact me (unlikely) John will have my new address.

Also my website if broken so i have not been able to update it.  Some problem with ie 8 but the good news is that i have completed the battery pods and almost all of the machining of small parts.  Next job is to attach the pods to the hull.  I have found a friend with a huge crane that can help with spinning the hull round.

I just managed to see in amoungst the zillions of viagra adverts that Emile has a well deserved award but other than that i am a bit out of touch.

Hopefully website will be up again soon once i figure out the problem.

Kind regards and a Happy Christmas to everyone.
(just struggling to keep above the surface)....James