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[PSUBS-MAILIST] motor speed control

Hi all,
I'm looking for 2 speed controllers for my two motors.
I've made up pulse width modulators for them that have
small preset variable resisters that I'll take out & replace
with wiring to the controllers.
I'm envisaging having a single lever with a forward neutral & reverse
like the min kotta electronic throttle control attached.
I'm trying to find something I can buy off the shelf & then modify
the electronics to fit my PWM. The forward & reverse can be in incremental
stages. I'll need a switch to reverse the polarity of the motor between
forward & reverse.
Preferably I'm looking for a lever control rather than a twist throttle type control.
The smaller the better.
Have looked at Xbox controllers, model remote control units, weel chair &
mobility scooter controls, fishing reels & attaching pots to bike gears.
I have electronic control on my rudder & dive planes so if any controller has
an extra couple of switches I may be able to utilize them.
Any thoughts / links appreciated thanks.

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