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[PSUBS-MAILIST] surface experiments on K-350s

Alex and Dan H and whoever,
I am redesigning MBTs for my 1-man K along the lines of Carsten & Emile's KSS. Has anyone done stability games with their K-boat with one ballast tank vented and one blown dry. I'm trying to get an idea of the angles involved when flooding the new tanks. At present, they are coming out to about 8' long overall from front to back and are plumbed for port and starboard, rather than fore and aft. The bottom vents would be about 2/3s of the way back along their calculated length with the vents right up in front (larger ball valves than you guys are using, so there will be less hang time involved on the surface). My alternative is to divide each tank at the midpoint (under the conning tower side ports) and plumb the aft sections together through a 1" T and then to the vent valves, and the forward one pretty much as the Captain called for. The issue with that is those aft tanks staying level from side to side as the boat rolls in a seaway. It would be possible to blow one dry with the other still partly flooded. It would probably settle out with some nursing, but who's to know?