Greetings Subdudes, I've updated my custom material properties I can input into SolidWorks to run in CosmosWorks for Acrylite GP for this run. I'll do Plexiglas GP next. Altuglas International markets its acrylic resins and sheet under the Plexiglas® brand in the Americas and Altuglas® in Asia, Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Worldwide, acrylic capstocks are marketed under the Solarkote® brand. These screen captures are all for the same Acrylite GP material properties in SW, but shown in Imperial, Metric, or Metric mm to help obtain data from different sources. In SW I only have to push a few buttons, and I can change back and forth from metric or imperial measurements. If you input it one way when it's on one setting, it will convert it to the other when you need it to. ========================================================================= This is what I've input into SolidWorks for Acrylite GP Source of the data is; Acrylite GP Physical Properties pdf Values that have a star in front of them I could not find the data for. The other source of data is; Plexiglas GP-95 Specs pdf For those that want a copy of the Plexiglas GP-95 Specs pdf, I don't currently have a link, so I'll send it to your, if you request it off list. Property Name Value Elastistic Modulus EX 400,000 lb/in^2 / 450,000 Other Source Poissons Ratio NUXY 0.35 Other source Shear Modulus GXY 167,000 lb/in^2 Other source Thermal Expansion Coefficient ALPX * 5.2e-005 Density DENS * 0.0433527 lb/in^3 Thermal Conductivity KX 0.19 W/m K Other source said it was 1.3 BTU/(lb)(sq ft)(degrees F/in) Specific Heat C 1,470 J/kg K it was also stated at 0.35 BTU/(lb)(degrees F) @ 77 degrees F Tensile / Ultimate Strength SIGXT 10,000 lb/in^2 / 10,500 other source Yield / Compressive Strength SIGYLD 18,000 lb/in^2 ============================================================== +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ New Results for KL-250's Original Dome with custom material added to match Acrylite GP are as follows. To Yield Strength FOS is 3.66833 x 250 fsw = 917.0825 fsw To Ultimate/Tensile Strength FOS is 2.03796 x 250 fsw = 509.49 fsw These are for the part being in 70 degree F water. This is with a very small mesh of 0.377306 Global Size, and 1.0188653 Tolerance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To Yield Strength FOS is 3.46554 x 250 fsw = 866.385 fsw To Ultimate/Tensile Strength FOS is 1.9253 x 250 fsw = 481.325 fsw These are for the part being in 30 degree F water. These two test, go along very well with the test at General Dynamics in Goton, Connecticut that the Captain describes in page 207 in his book titled " I Found Israel's Atom Bomb Factory". When I use the Yield Strength FOS data. I'm not sure which I should use, but since the FOS data of the Yield Strength matches the real world test data much closer, and it's the default option in CosmoWorks. The Captian had figured the weakest point, in the sub would be the blown dome at 823 fsw. How he figured this I would be interested to know. It imploded into a million pieces at 824 fsw. I don't know how close to a 180 degree dome, that one was, or what exact type of acrylic, or thickness of acrylic he use. But I suspect it was the same that is specked on his K-250 plans as Plexiglas G. I'll have to ask him. He might get a kick out of the FEA work. I also don't know what temperature the water was that was added to the test chamber. Add into all this that a free formed blown dome like this is, doesn't have a perfect arc inside or out as I have in my 3D CAD dome. My current spherical sector 3D CAD dome should be a bit stronger Since a perfect sphere is the strongest shape. "There are three definitions of tensile strength: