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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Buoyancy

Hi Vance. Thanks for the note from experience. Advice like yours is damn hard to come by, and I appreciate it.
Quote..."I don't expect to need to blow the tanks dry while submerged at any great depth, but I want enough capacity so that I CAN if I need to."
That sounds like a pretty scary scenario, being hooked on something, or for any reason really, not being able to get back up.
I think that's why this whole "rescue" subject keeps popping up.
Frankly, I don't hold out much hope of a rescue if I go down and get stuck. I plan on having a support boat, a crew with scuba certs and a radio, but let's face it, how the hell is the local Coast Guard going to get us out of there. Don't seem too likely to me.
For those of us that have NO experience, trying to imagine what MIGHT happen, and then making contingency plans, is sometimes frustrating. There's a point at which we just have to hang our ass out in the breeze and try our luck, but the things that we can control and/or anticipate need to be addressed in the design/build stage and I know for sure I haven't thought of every thing. Keep an eye on us "newbies" and feel free to kick us in the ass if we get off on a stupid idea. Thanks again, Frank D.