Three questions: (1) Do the JSL subs use pneumatically
operated valves? (2) Does one have to build a pneumatically
operated valve or can they be bought “off the shelf”? (3) Does Impulse make an inexpensive
penetrator rated for 12,000 ft that might be a fine alternative to pipe
fittings? The answers are Yes, Yes and yes. From: owner- THose weren't off
anyone's shelf. They are essentially cartridge valves operated internally
with air at 3000 psi. Solid stainless, and the things must weigh ten
pounds apiece. But they simply don't fail, and even if a leak appeared, it
would be a quick and easy overhaul which could easily be done right on the
tank. That's hard to beat, operationally. There are a variety of pneumatic valves
available off the shelf. The JSL subs use them. Greg From: [] On Behalf Of Hugh Fulton Hi All, =0 A I recall someone having a smart design for a vent
valve operated by a small Air Cylinder. Can anyone remember where the
sketch was. I think it was about a year ago. I’ve tried the Search
although admittedly not persevered too long. Chs Hugh