Hi Alan. There are some good comments in the archives on this subject. For
extended dives or small subs like Sgt. Peppers it's a problem with fogging the
windows. Constant wiping with a rag will scratch the windows. The most common
solution I've heard about is ducting the recirculating air fan so the air blows
across the main viewport. A small 12 volt fan from an automobile and pushing the
air through a canister of absorbent material should help. That's what I'll be
using. I've been for a ride in Dan's sub and it wasn't a problem, but two people
on an extended dive does create some condensation. The more experienced guys
that have completed subs have the solutions, but generally, it's not a big
problem if your diving a K boat and staying down for an hour or less. Check the
archives and see what comes up. Frank D.