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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Pod Vent Allignment
Hi All.
Finally i am assembling my battery pods. Can someone help me with a problem.
The plans show the position of the vents on the pods themselves, but i cant see where they go on the hull, lengthways down the hull. Not exactly anyway.
Looks like the front vent ends up between hull frames 1 and 2. but where exactly? Smack in the middle? That would be 7 inches from the front of the uncapped hull tube.
Or, does it line up so the uncapped pod lines up with the uncapped hull?
Also, i am only putting in 1 vent at the front. The other is replaced with the electrical through hulls (Alec's design). I have modified the spacing of the through hulls so they fall exactly between frames. easier to weld if they are not to close to the frames.
Do you understand what i mean? Picture is here of them just placed into position. The front vent is in the correct place as per the plans and the spacing would allow the vent to to in the middle of frames 1 and 2, the others fall in between the other frames.
The questions are:
1 Where exactly do the pods go in relation to the hull.
2 Am i ok to change the spacing of the vent\through hulls to allow them to fall conveniently between frames?