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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] sonar research outing

David, Jon,

If you send them to me and I'll pay shipping to send them back, just to put my two cents worth into the deal.

And hey, what's that crack about "Vance and Jay might actually be telling the truth...?"


-----Original Message-----
From: David Bartsch <dbartsch2236@hotmail.com>
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Sent: Wed, 11 Feb 2009 12:20 am
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] sonar research outing

  Vance and Jay might actually be telling the truth about a joint Bahama sonar console testing session...Les has given his approval to part with these two units once He does a longer range transmission test.
  At his shop, He has the ability to with the aid of a sheet of thin plastic, box and seal these units for safe shipping with shipping foam.
  I would suggest having him box these in two seperate boxes, have the shipping determined to Jay or Vance (need to determine testing location) and forwarding him the shipping cost (and include funding for the return trip to Les) I will throw in $50.00 to aid in this shipping expense as I am interested in this outcome.
  Les will ship...two working consoles, two transmitters, two good quality hydrophones (with a cheaper spare) the cb handset (installed) a cb handset modification kit (includes all parts) and laminated operating instructions for both units. (I have promised him an additional two hydrophones as two are still needed for his second unit anyway) Should the hydrophones get damaged or the stainless steel turns out not to be stainless, this will make up for this oversight.
  I told Les that someone (really matters not) would look at performing this cb styled handset modification install for him should He not feel confortable with it. With cosole #3 there and already modified, this should not be asking too much of someone.
  Anyway, the alternative is to make two new consoles,transmitters, and hydrophones. This could take time and cost several hundred dollars...I say borrow from Les and get this testing done...with him not being able to use the headphones as the voice comms were too loud, the range with this might suprise all of us...
  Get with these guys and lets get this going...
                                                                                                David Bartsch

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