Dear Thierry, Upon your letting us know of the picture showing your clubs submarine in its first time prime condition (I am sure it will see this condition again), I took the time to investigate it. The large sub you boys are taking on seems to have been well designed and although this will no doubt require many hours of hard work, It will really be be something once restored to its former glory. I envy you on the interior room it offers. As for the underwater communications project testing schedule, I am afraid Les Katschor and the weather will determine how and when this system will be run thru its paces. The first in-water testing to be attempted will be a simple voice transmission between the two consoles over a body of open water. I am sure Les will try various tinkerings of this to attempt to extend the range by adjusting the transmit power, gain controls, and generally toying with the consoles to develope a sense of familiarity with them. This testing will be in his corner and although I have very high expectations of the outcome, the testing schedule and the reporting of what was discovered, be it good or bad, is stricktly up to Him. I did contact the All Electronic corp today and verified my parts request was in fact recieved. This company has never delt me a bad deal and these electronic kits should be along in short order. I will spend several days constructing these kits before I bring the enclosure back to work for its completion work. A short testing session in my 18' above ground pool and its away to Les for Him to do His thing. Although two hydrophones are supplied with each console, so as to facilitate testing sooner, the unit will be shipped early and He will use the second hydrophone supplied with console #2 to conduct these initial tests. (All supplied hydrophones are of the HBH-2 type and are all identical in make up) Once constructed, these additional hydrophones will be sent in a seperate mailing. Noone is more on the edge of their seat awaiting these tests results than am I. We must be patient and allow Les to accomplish all this testing as His schedule and the weather might permit. All I ask of him is to "honestly" report with as much detail as He can that which He finds during His sessions. (The more minute the details, the more I feel as if I were present at these outings as I'm sure we all will.) Following the testing with simple lake side trials, He will proceed with the actual submarine installations. He will determine aboard which submarines these first initial systems will be placed and what the schedule will be for further tested. Should these consoles work as I feel these will, Jon will provide the club with the basic block diagrams and parts lists so that anyone who has a basic electronics background can construct his (or Her) own consoles with little or no outside assistance. I will also be available to construct consoles for the $200.00 cost of parts or at least be available to aid in troubleshooting should things go bad. Good luck to your sea scouts on your submarine project! David Bartsch From: To: Subject: RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Sub to surface communications Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 14:11:55 +0000 David, first of all, congratulations again for your award! Here is another proof that we did make a good choice! Now, as Ron, I would be interrested to have more details about this communication system, where and when it should be tested. Communication with the surface is actually a big part of the fear about our sea scouting project. Thanks for your time Thierry Labonté Montreal Trident Sea Scouts From: To: Subject: RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Sub to surface communications Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 00:29:57 -0500 Ron, A small band of researchers are just about to test a very inexpensive broadband voice communications system. The testing is scheduled for this comming Spring and will take place in Michigan. A complete set up which includes two passive sonar hydrophones (to pick up returning messages) and a single broadband voice transmitter along with the actual amplifier console should be about only $200.00. The way the system works is when a handheld cb styled handset has its press-to-talk thumbswitch activated, this deactivates the incomming hydrophone signal supplied to the listen channel Channel A) to protect it from possible overload condition. This button also connects the transmit signal from the handsets internal microphone and allows for its use with the channel B or the transmit amplifier electronics. Once the transmission is completed, the thumbswitch is released and the listen channel is once again enabled to function. This initial system runs on but a 12vdc battery located anywhere within the submarine and the handset can also be so positioned when using a 10' extention. Sorta like a truckers cb! Both stations be it surface craft or submarines would need this complete set up to both talk and hear. The great news is this system should function at least 150' apart and 150' deep. There would no longer be a need to first surface before sending and recieving a message. We will also investigate as to if divers would be hearing impaired while trying to listen to this 2 watt peak to peak signal. (these should be low enough not to injure their ears) Further system upgrades could use the full 30 watts capacity of the supplied voice transmitter. Share with me your e-mail address and I will send attachments of where this system is now and where we plan to go with this thing should you be interested. David Bartsch > From: > To: > Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Sub to surface communications > Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2009 12:32:43 -0800 > > What do you guys have experience with, or are finding success with, > for sub to surface communications? > > I've tried the Orcatron stuff, and the range is OK, but it's quite > expensive. > > Thanks, > Ron > > > > > > > > ************************************************************************ > ************************************************************************ > ************************************************************************ > The personal submersibles mailing list complies with the US Federal > CAN-SPAM Act of 2003. 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