In ambient sub senses the same pressure inside or out so there
is no difference having the gage inside or out. R/Jay Respectfully, Jay K. Jeffries Andros Is., Bahamas Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish. - Euripides (484 BC - 406 BC) From:
[] On Behalf Of Hmmmm... Not
the weight of the sub. It should indicate the depth of the vent where the air is released into the
surrounding water and likely a little deeper since the constant flow of air may
add a few psi to the ambient cabin. Air at the top of the cabin is at the
same pressure as the air at the bottom of the cabin where it is vented to the
surrounding water. So it does not matter where the gauge is inside the
cabin. -----Original Message----- In an ambient
submarine, if one uses a dive watch type depth indicators to give an indication
of how deep He is, does this display the actual depth or will it be off a
little having the additional weight of the sub working on it? One of those
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