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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Sub launched ROV

Damn! I love you guys. There's so much good info here. Thanks to you all , Vance, Jay, Carsten, and others.
Although I'm focused on finishing what I've got, the whole "mini-sub/ROV" idea has a lot of merit. Other wise why would everyone in the professional industry be going in that direction.
On a more practical note....how tough would it be to work up a test model from left over sub stuff ( I've got a bunch of stuff ) and bang something rough together to see what works and what doesn't. Start with something simple like a small ROV with limited capabilities, maybe a universal type connector, a cheap camera so we can see what's going on down there, minimum depth but enough to see how it all comes together. Keep thinking of what you would like to see as a minimum, bring these ideas to the convention, and maybe we can have a beer and come up with a simple design that can be knocked up cheaply to explore the concept. I'd be happy to partner up and see what can be done. Got any good stuff laying around?
Bring your ideas. See you there. Frank D. 

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