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That is a great idea!..I want to incorporate this idea also into an emergency pinger for sub locating. Just be sure to use an egg timer in conjunction with this timer or your on your way to the surface ready or not!
                                                                                       David Bartsch

From: hardcoremosteller@hotmail.com
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Drop Weight
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 11:39:43 -0700

Hey guys- Life has reequired me to step back from my designing and I've fallen way behind on the postings, but as I've been catching up an idea kind of popped into my head.. What about attaching some sort of resettable timer to you drop weight release mech so that should you be incapacitated for some reason and unable to reset the timer, you automaticlly return to the surface? this would give you the same safety factor of running slightly positively boyant, without using the extra battery power to keep you submerged... Just food for thought.
Kory M.
Huntington Beach, CA

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