Jay, I found that patent data late last night and so didn't get a chance to read through it and notice the Lake patent details. I looked at it again so see if I could perhaps look up the Lake patents as well on Google, and found them. ;)' In the past nothing much was available on the internet for patents that were issued prior to 1972. So this opens up a whole new resource for allot of people. Here are the links to the two Lake patents you mentioned if you don't already have them. http://www.google.com/patents?id=kJFeAAAAEBAJ&dq=1,510,283 http://www.google.com/patents?id=-VRNAAAAEBAJ&dq=1864837 In regards to Prior Art I have found the USPTO to be pretty lax and allow allot of utility patents to go through with claims thats are not really new, just used perhaps slightly different but still the same mechanically speaking. One case of this is the cross over between some claims on the Bionic Dolphin patent and Hawks Deep Flight patent. Some of the claims in the Hyper-Sub are already prior art in the SubCat S-30 built in 1999. Regardless of that, they are both very interesting subs with unique design elements. I'll have to look through the other Prior Arts sited to see if there is any thing about the SubCat design as well as see if there are any US or international patent data on the SubCat design. Have any of you guys been on or personally seen the SubCat S-30 ?? http://www.globalsubmarines.com/subcat.htm Regards, Brent Hartwig