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RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] This Antarctic Summer

Hi All,

Yes, a bit off topic. Please respond directly to
Stephen if you want to follow up. 


--- Stephen Pearce <sjpearceqld@bigpond.com> wrote:

> Greg
> Thanks for your support!
> Regards
> Steve Pearce
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-personal_submersibles@psubs.org
> [mailto:owner-personal_submersibles@psubs.org] On
> Behalf Of G Snyder
> Sent: Wednesday, 14 November 2007 2:49 PM
> To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
> Subject: RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] This Antarctic Summer
> Man - bogus deal.
> I am calling our auto dealers tomorrow to spread the
> word.
> Good luck .
> Greg
>   _____  
> From: Bryce Yarbrough [mailto:byarbrough@mac.com] 
> Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 8:20 PM
> To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
> Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] This Antarctic Summer
> WOW.. that is absolutely tragic. I will do
> everything I can to avoid
> Japanese products here in California. I know a few
> people who know some
> people in the government (namely my dad knows alot
> of people). I will pass
> this email on to him and see what happens. Come one
> everyone. The Humpback
> Whale is one of the most endangered species in the
> world. And they are
> beautiful as well (AND they live in the ocean, which
> is where subs go....)
> Bryce
> On Nov 13, 2007, at 4:57 PM, Stephen Pearce wrote:
> Dear List Members
> I apologise in advance for being slightly off topic
> but I feel this
> particular subject may be important enough to
> warrant making an exception to
> the rule.
> This Australian Summer the Japanese will be
> commercially whaling again under
> the guise of scientific research. Not only are they
> defying international
> conventions they will also be for the first time
> hunting 50 humpbacks and
> putting at risk not only the recovery of this
> species numbers but a 300
> million dollar whale watching industry here in
> Australia and places like
> Tonga. In a further demonstration of their arrogance
> they will be targeting
> Mingaloo, the only white Humpback Whale because his
> meat would bring a
> premium price as a result of its 'novelty value'.
> 96% of Australians strongly disagree with this
> practice continuing. Nearly
> 70% of Australians would support the use of the
> Australian Navy to stop the
> practice and be prepared to suffer the economic
> consequences associated with
> upsetting the Japanese. Unfortunately the Australian
> Government does not
> have the courage to take action and the Japanese
> seem immune to diplomatic
> pressure.
> Again it looks like it will come down to individual
> efforts to stop this
> practice. It is vital the Australian public is
> supported buy the public in
> the USand Europe if the Japanese are to be stopped.
> What can you do?
> Stop buying Japanese products and let the company
> know why! I replace my
> business vehicles every 4 years. Two days ago I
> informed my Toyota Dealer
> that I will not be replacing my Landcruiser with a
> Japanese vehicle and
> stated why. They are very concerned that this
> attitude might catch on and
> have notified their corporate HQ from which I have
> received an email
> suggesting they are an innocent party and I should
> reconsider. I have had a
> relationship with my Toyota Dealer since 94. It is
> vital that the company
> know why you are refusing to buy their products.
> Even if you are not
> purchasing in the near future let them know why you
> will not be purchasing
> again. Maybe if large Japanese corporations suffer
> financially and pressure
> the Japanese Government they might take notice.
> Support Sea Shepherd as they are the only
> organization that is prepared to
> actively interfere with the Japanese Whaling
> operations as it happens. I
> have personally sent them a large cheque and would
> ask other members
> concerned about this practice to do likewise.
> Write to any politician that will listen! Combined
> US, Canadian, EU and
> Australian pressure may succeed!
> Thank you for reading this email and I hope you can
> assist in ending this
> practice once and for all.
> Regards
> Steve Pearce
> The
> personal submersibles mailing list complies with the
> US Federal CAN-SPAM Act
> of 2003. Your email address appears in our database
> because either you, or
> someone you know, requested you receive messages
> from our organization. If
=== message truncated ===

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