I just had a crazy experience...I have done two dives with Kraka today and will go to some friends party to night - so I took a nap..zzzzz...
in the
messroom of UC-3 where I live...As you may know she stands on land and has an engine room door that will later be welded shut once
the engines are in...
Suddenly it started banging on the boat, and the door in the back end was broken up...there is a water and burglar tight bulkhead inside so they did only get into the empty engineroom...
I got out - up on the sail or bridge and saw two young men - one with an iron bar - ( mine ! ) and an other entering a car. So I asked what on earth they ware doing - and they explained that they wanted to get into the sub - added that it was a bad submarine because no engine was found - and that it was of faulty construction because of all the holes ( that are quite needed for the boats deck not be crushed when diving )
He also added that I needed to go to a doctor with my head...all in all he was quite angry about that thing that was standing in front of him that he did not understood. He demanded an answer to what it was and why in the hell I was inside it...
We talked.
I told him about what psubbers do and why we think its facinating. Also that had he not broken my door lock he could have had a ride on the Kraka.
He refuced to belive that Kraka had ever existed.
Then I explained my theory about some people having a plywood brain - where the brain consists of a small number of plywood pieces each
with a shaped hole in it. One is a fast car - and other has a good looking girl - and other again a football and a bottle of whiskey. When the "Homo Plywood" meets something that does not fit the holes in the plywood - he simply can´t see it or he gets aggressive and attacks the unknown...
This fellow then accepted that he had a plywood brain and played me 60 Dkr for damage on the door. He was big, he was tattooed all over and his friend was even bigger...he also gave me back the iron bar and excused.
I must be a fairly convincing person...or perhaps the luck was that I was standing three meters above him...
They left happy, exchanging wishes of a good weekend. And you
too - dear psubbers...have a nice weekend.
Peter Madsen