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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Double O-Ring On A Hatch

Brent. I too took a ride on Atlantis, and checked out the hatch very closely.  The ring groove on mine will be on the bottom ring, where it will be subject to abrasion from entering/exiting the sub. I did it this way because I wanted the thicker flange ( with the groove ) to be part of the hull. A lighter ring on the hatch makes it weigh less, and the heavier ring on the hull adds strength to the hull opening. It's a trade-off. I don't anticipate replacement of the ''O'' ring to be a big deal, and in fact may be a good idea to replace on a regular basis so the groove can be cleaned more often.
Some of the subs I've seen have  relatively thin flanges, but they all have a tower to add strength. I am trying to minimize the tower height to aid in dropping the hydro drag. My testing showed me that with bigger ballast tanks, I can achieve reasonable freeboard height without a tall tower. I also want to keep the top half of the sub as light as possible, to keep the center of gravity low and the center of buoyancy high.
 I will however need a splash guard to keep waves from washing over the open hatch.( still working on that design.)
I think ABS calls for 30 inches minimum, but I won't get that much at the hatch. I'm making the hatch opening  rise above the hull by only 2 inches, so a splash guard that lays flat when submerged is what I'm working on.
I have some ideas, but haven't spent a lot of time on that yet. I'm leaning toward an inflatable device like maybe an inner tube type affair, to deflect the waves but also have some ideas to have a plexi screen that would pop up when I'm surfaced.  I will be able to get the 30 inches with whatever the final design ends up being.
 My hatch flanges are pretty thick, and so are heavy. The hull ring is 1-1/2 inch thick X 2 inch wide while the hatch ring is 1 inch X 2 inch. The hull dome is 3/8 inch like the hull but has a taller radius than the lid I'm cutting out of the hull for the hole. The tower is only 6 inches long overall, giving me just enough tube on the inside to attach the inside stiffeners and gussets to. Frank D.

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