Jealous.Jon Wallace <> wrote:Hi Peter,No, Regan is not like that, and he does not always write nice things about other psubbers. In the old discussion group that he hosted himself (prior to the yahoo days) he made disparaging remarks about PSUBS and the people that contribute here. I know, because I read them in his online discussion group before he closed it down. My feelings that he is egotistical and pretentious is based upon what I read in his earlier discussion group.Regarding the yahoo group, he has every right to run it as he chooses. However, remember that you can't become a participant unless he lets you in and you can't enter/answer a topic unless he wants you to see it. Every member request and topic submittal is filtered by him first. That means, what you see in his discussion group is what HE wants you to see. That's his perogative, but it doesn't promote open discussion and might prevent you from seeing topics that he disagrees with and/or takes him to task for his own ideas.There are numerous people throughout the world that have accomplished more with submersibles than Pat Regan, and most of them have more expertise than Regan. Until Regan provides verifiable documentation regarding the number of dives and maximum depth that he has achieved in the Nautilus, it's nothing more than a museum piece.Regan owes a general apology to this group for comments he has made on his own discussion group. Until he does that, I will continue to challenge his credentials when his name is brought up in this forum as an expert or even as an "experienced subber".Jon-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of Peter Madsen
Sent: Sunday, July 22, 2007 4:21 PM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Pat's GroupDear Psubbers,
I wish to take no part in this stuf about who is bad and who is good and only talks not build and so on... If you genually feel that someone does somthing bad and wish for all to know that - then please remember the "why"Jon - why do you think Pat Regan is "egotistical, pretentious, and a bull-shitter" - ? I had the impression that he was a nice psubber from hawaii - who loves cupper helmets and writes nice things about other psubbers ? Is he not like that ?I all - remember we share a wonderfull hobby and interest and both do´ers and talker´s may have someting to give...Most really importent people are infact talker´s - J F Kennedy - Chirchill - Adolf Hitler - Werner von Braun - mostly talked...along with Josef Stalin and Albert Einstein...I will no DO som mere propeller mount stuff with two good freinds - that are definetly DOérs...Best and kind regards,Peter----- Original Message -----
From: Jon Wallace
Sent: Sunday, July 22, 2007 9:05 PM
Subject: RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Pat's Group
I've not found Brent's interactions on PSUBS to match those described herein. Brent appears to me to be a person with alot of drive and energy that sometimes makes goofy comments, but I find them humorous not annoying. He has offered to provide 3-D imaging numerous times to this group, and based upon the images I have seen him post publicly it would seem he's got talent in that arena. In my experience, Brent's description of Regan is spot-on except that I would add adjectives such to describe Regan.
Jon aware that the Vulcaneers in the group forward posts about Regan back to him.
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