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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Crush Depth Calcs

Bingo...  the big question!  Too bad there isn't a useful answer.
As you noted, everything in the real world factors into the actual limits.  It's easy enough to plug the material properties in to a formula, assuming a perfect cylinder or hemisphere, but that's really just a good starting point. There are lots of academic papers that try to validate or modify the simple equations with FEA simulations, but again, the results are still quite theoretical, depending on uniform material properties and exact construction.
I believe the difficulties of factoring in the myriad variables dictates the lack of complexity in the shape of submersibles.  If the shape is simple, the construction can be verified, and the assumptions made in the calculations can be 'trusted'.  I've been thinking of a bent cylindrical shape, that would envelope a person sitting in a 'car seat' orientation... nice and comfy.  Acrylic dome oriented at head level, tilted at about 45 degrees for good visibility.  Hmm... I haven't seen any calculations on a bent cylinder :)   The mating surface of the dome and the pressure housing would have an interesting shape, and who knows the stresses. I'm not an FEA expert either, so it's either trial and error, or revert back to combinations of cylinders and hemispheres.
I once designed a cylindrical glass housing for a camera, using a trusted program for the basic calculations, but deviated from theoretical by using a flange. Seemed like a good design... unfortunately the flange completely changed the stresses at the interface from compressive to tensile, so the housing failed in testing, WAY sooner than expected. Luckily, non have failed in the field, but it was embarrassing nonetheless. OK, I got wiser, and now I have someone do FEA modelling for me.  Not cheap, but well worth the cost. With materials like steel, where the tensile and compressive yields are somewhat equivalent, you can probably get away with some deviations from perfect geometry as long as the material thickness is increased, but for materials like glass and concrete, don't count on it!
Mark Roberts
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, January 05, 2007 5:10 PM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Crush Depth Calcs

Hello psubbers.
I have a question on the whole "crush depth" thing.( actually, a couple of questions.)
First, how can you factor in all the variables  of hatch design, window design, thru-hull pens, weld attachments, stresses built in from weldments, additional reinforcing around penetrations, and god knows what else I might put on this thing, and still come up with an accurate guess ( and guess it must surely be ) of when my negative pressure envelope is gonna come crashing in on me?
Doesn't any one of these ( or other ) changes to a tank type shape create a need for a separate calculation on each area's configuration and ability to withstand pressure until the time of failure?
And doesn't the plastic deformation of an area of the hull, due to reaching that moment of failure, change the whole calculation for the adjacent areas, and this must be factored into  the failure threshold of each area affected by the point of failure.
I'm a welder, not a mathematician. Does anybody have a simple calculation of the " plain" tank for the Kittredge  design?
If a guy has a tank 48" round,  quarter inch thick, hemisphere ends, no stiffeners, basically your average propane tank, how deep can it go before it crushes.
My thoughts on this are, Find the weakest point in the envelope, and that's your crush depth.
Pumping a pressure tank down with a vacuum pump won't work. The dynamics of the steel, method of fabrication, weld quality, inherent stresses, and flaws in the material or welds, all change the way steel reacts to external or internal pressure variations.
Destructive testing is the best way to determine "crush depth" but it's just too expensive to do.
And even if you do it, and get the golden guarantee, knowing just where that hull is gonna implode, now we have to calculate what the new stress of the dive cycle has had on the individual hull components, to find the new crush depth.
What percentage of safety factor is acceptable, ( how much risk are you willing to accept )
If you're cruising along, and crash into a rock, cause the surge/current pushed you, and get a dent in your hull, do we have to recalculate everything?
Too much math.
I'm looking for a depth, that a simple tank will go to, without getting really flat.
Anybody got any ideas?
Frank D.