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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Flow testing

Paul. one advantage of the saucer shape is the ability to spin around on a center axis. I also have it in mind to be able to shift the lead ballast so I can aim the sub up, down, or tilt it sideways about 30 degrees from level. Haven't quite worked out the linkage yet, but the drop weight and seats, if moved, should give me a way to change the angle some.
One thing I've been pondering is how to keep splash out when I'm surfaced. Maybe a small tower shape on top which drains before I open the hatch. Maybe I'll need to make the tower part of the pressure hull. I'm thinking of adding soft ballast to give me more free board at the surface. If contained in a spring loaded part of the outer ring, they shouldn't add any drag when de-flated.( still working on these two ideas.
The latest on the hull parts is, I found the tank heads at 84 inch Dia. for $1000 each.
They won't sell them to me directly because I need a tax I.D. number. so I'll get my boss to buy them next week.( I hope!!! )