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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Purpose of psubs.org?

Hi Pierre,

PSUBS is a community focused on submersibles. On the
www.psubs.org main page the mantra is:

    To promote and encourage the discussion, design, 
    construction, certification, ownership and use of
    Personal Submersibles.

However PSUBS does not exist on its own. Like "The
Government", "Upper Management" or "Oregon Sheep
Growers Association" nothing gets done without people.
PSUBS has a group of people with many, many other
interests and occasionally those interests get shared

While it is my assumption that all members of PSUBS
only post relevant messages I am tolerant for the
occasional slips, intentional or not. Mostly because I
do not want to spend my time to moderating this site.

Partly because ones definition of what is relavant is
not necessarly everyones. For instance the
conventions. The emails organinzing any of the
conventions are not "purely for technical discusion"
of submersibles. Yet very relavant for this group.
Where is the line? A gray line at times.

My ground rules for off topic mails are:

1. The person who sends the off topic mail says it is
"off topic". "Off topic" in the subject line is

2. All responses are taken off line.

3. It only happens occasionally.

4. Nothing vulgar.

5. The person ceases and desists upon reminder mails.

Failure to comply can lead to someone getting the boot
off the alias.


--- Marie-Andrée et Pierre
<poulin.carrier@videotron.ca> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> Well, after reading some of the recent post. I was
> wandering... What is the 
> purposed of this group? Is it purely for technical
> discution about sub or is 
> it also a social group of people sharing a dream?
> I ask this, because it is evident that all of us
> don't think the same about 
> this question. And if you take some time to think
> about it. It might be the 
> base of the periodic problems we have on the group.
> It is clear to me that Bill think the group is also
> a social group and that 
> he wanted to share an invention he worked on for 10
> years. Even if it was 
> not sub related.
> It is clear that others think the group is only for
> sub discution.
> I for myself think this group is both. I have made
> some friends in this 
> group since the couple of years I've been here. They
> supported me in my 
> project both technicaly and mentaly (so to speak) so
> today I am able to look 
> in my backyard and see one of my dream come true. If
> something bad would 
> happen to any of them it would affect me the same as
> if it happened to a 
> close friend. That goes beyong tech speak for me.
> We are 200 + people on this group. And it would be
> impossible to ask that we 
> all share the same view of the purpose of the group.
> But one thing should 
> always be present: Respect. Because whatever we
> think, we all deserve to be 
> respected.
> I had a problem once with one of the group. I wrote
> him an offlist mail 
> telling him why I decided to put him on my ignore
> list. I would recommend 
> you guys do the same. That way, nobody's feeling
> gets hurt.
> My 2 cents worth...
> Pierre "peace keeper" Poulin
> The personal submersibles mailing list complies with
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