Go ahead and contact me off line. I have 5 blueprint-quality drawings, each 24 by 34 inches, with five different views. All approximately 250 components are numbered and labeled.
The place that sold them to me is out of business, and I have been unable to find them anywhere else. Otherwise I would give you a reference. It was a model boat shop that sold ship blueprints and plans. I got the company out of a modeling magazine many years ago.
Hi all, My names Andy and i am new to the group and would like to ask a quick
question if i might.
I read on your web pages about a book "Midget Submarines of the Second World
War" in this ther is a reference to "multi-sheet plans that Doug (SeaLordOne)
referred to for the X-Craft"
Is ther any way to get a copy of thes or can someone tell me where they are
Rgds and thanks in advance