Bill Wrote: “You may think personal sub owners
are the last thing on the mind of intelligence agencies and governments” Bill I can’t comment on the Patriot Act as it doesn’t
affect me but I would like you to consider how may clandestine uses there are
for Boats, Aircraft and other vehicles and human mules without the need for
submarines. There are more drugs and contraband than we could imagine moving
around the world every day using these modes of transport and there not banned.
Again the
example you use is a sub being built by an organised and recognised extreme
not an enthusiast or private owner. Besides if you want to smuggle drugs into a
country there are simpler ways. For example fill a few large sized oxygen
cylinders (with the valve intact) with your chosen substance and weld them to
the hull or in the bilge of a tanker or container ship below the water line. When I was diving commercially one job I had for a while was
to inspect the hulls of vessels coming into Port Kembla and Port Botany from
the Golden Triangle for this sort of thing. You would be amazed what we found. There are bigger global dangers out there but if they ever
ban personal aircraft for reasons of national security I agree subs will be on
the list. They are more likely to insist on special licences and new rules one
day because a few clowns start bumping into other watercraft. If this happens Bill you may well consider becoming a
lobbyist and push for self regulation. Regards Steve P |