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RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] 2005 Award Nomination Status

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You know what, I agree with all the nominations you have, I'd like to second them. Pierre's boat might be small and inexpensive, but there's considerable merit in building a successful sub on such a modest budget. Dan's detailed posts are invariably ones I find myself saving to my hard drive for future reference. For the Link Award (oceanographic research) I would nominate Karl Stanley. He doesn't hang out here on PSUBS, but I would nonetheless claim him as a PSUBer since he designed and built his sub with his own hands. It's true he's taking tourists rather than scientists, but check out the photos of wildlife on his website www.stanleysubmersibles.com.
I can't think of any particular nominees for the Archimedes award. 

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-personal_submersibles@psubs.org [mailto:owner-personal_submersibles@psubs.org] On Behalf Of Ray Keefer
Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2005 4:26 PM
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] 2005 Award Nomination Status

This is still what I have. I guess the vote is on, however with the number of nominees everyone listed will get an award.
Last chance to hightlight a deserving PSUBer. I'll close this process on New Year's Day (01 Jan 2006).

Ray Keefer <psubs2001@yahoo.com> wrote:
Hi All,

Here is the 2005 Award Nomination status todate.

Award Categories

The Kittredge Award
For designing and building excellence in creating
a whole and functional personal submersible.
    Pierre Poulin - Big!
                Nominated by! Ray Keefer

The Busby Award
For excellence in technical writing on personal
designs, operations and applications.
    Doug  Jackson -
                Nominated by Paul Kreemer

The Beach Award
For non-technical writing that promotes personal
submersibles to the general public.
    Ray Keefer/Jon Wallace - PSUBS, PSUBS Convention work and web site
                Nominated by Brian Cox, Steve McQueen, Hugo Marrero and Dan Lance

The Link Award
For contributions to oceanographic research using
personal submersibles.

The Archimedes Award
For innovative designing exc! ellence of a specific
piece of
gear for use in personal submersibles that spreads
through the group .

For those who haven't seen past awards, go to

Two more days for nominations!
I would like to have all nominations in by Thursday,
22 December 2005. Then the group will vote by
Saturday, 31 December 2005. I ! will tally and announce
the winners in the first couple of weeks in 2006.
Actual awards to go out by the end of February.

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