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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Need help with math

Hi, Ross - with a couple of exceptions, volume calculations for geometric figures, some calculus if you want to be nitpicky.  A fundamental understanding of Boyle's Law is paramount, maybe Dalton's Law of Partial Pressures.  These are basic scuba rules in any case.
The math involved will depend on what kind of boat you want to build.  A wet sub, a dry ambient, a one-atm. shallow or deep, passenger load, etc.  Using scuba regs, for example, in a dry ambient sub precludes having to do life support calculations for cabin oxygen flow, sodalime absorption rates, co2 buildup, breathing rates at rest, heat transfer through metal hulls, etc.  An extreme example, just this side of suicidal IMHO, would be mixed gas diving in a dry ambient.  Calculating gas mixes, decom times / rates of ascent, yadda, yadda.
A lot of the process is intuitive, however, that being said, intuition is based on a groundwork of the fundamentals.  "It SEEMS right, therefore it should be . . ."   (sorry for the dismal paraphrase).
Hope this helps.
Rick L.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2005 10:10 PM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Need help with math

Hi everybody,
A while ago I asked for some help learning how to do the math one needs to make a design.  I asked for some reference materials do this sort of thing.  I saw the list of technical books that was posted here and I am grateful for that but we don't have any of those books in the local library.  So I am back with my original question.
Is there any easy way to learn how to do the math necessary to create a submarine design?  Maybe a software program or something like that?  This is what is holding me back right now and I could use some help understanding which way to go.  Any help would be appreciated. 
Thanks to all and keep up the good work.  I enjoy reading what you guys write and find it very interesting.
Ross Donato

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