Now that was tremendously helpful and went straight into my data folder.
Thank you Hugo
From: Hugo Marrero <>
To: "''" <>
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] List of reference publications from the Marine Technology Society
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2005 08:42:29 -0500
>Hello to all,
>Finally our offshore season is over and I am back at the beach. It took me
>almost a week to sift through all the mail I had in my box. Is good to see
>that there is still a lot of discussions going on.
>I am sure that some of you already know about these reference books, but I
>am copying them here for the benefit of those who may not know. Some are
>historical in nature but many others are design and engineering
>references.These are useful resources for those seriously considering
>building their own subs. This is a verbatim copy from the MTS website:
>Allmendinger, E. Eugene. Submersible Vehicle Systems Design. ill. . Jersey
>City, NJ: Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 1990.
>Anderson, Frank J. Submarines, Submariners, Submarining. Hamden, CT: The
>Shoe String Press, Inc., 1963. Excellent purely bibliographical text of
>mostly military sub books.
>Barton, Otis. The World Beneath the Sea. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co.,
>1953. "The story of the deepest dive ever made by man".
>Beebe, William. Half Mile Down. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1934.
>Bohm, Harry and Jensen, Vickie. Build Your Own Underwater Robot. Vancouver,
>BC: Westcoast Words, 1997. Juvenile literature. "and other wet projects".
>Bracken, Carolyn. You Can Pilot a Submarine. ill. Carolyn Bracken. Racine,
>WI: Western Publishing Co., 1983.
>Burcher, Roy and Rydill, Louis. Concepts in Submarine Design. Cambridge:
>Cambridge Univ. Press, 1997. 3rd. Excellent academic textbook.
>Burgess, Robert F. Ships Beneath the Sea. New York: Mcgraw Hill Co, 1975.
>Hstory of subs and submersibles.
>Busby, Frank. Manned Submersibles. Arlington, VA: Office of the
>Oceanographer of the Navy, 1976. The bible when it comes to how research
>subs were built in the 60Ís. Very detailed.
>Chapman, Roger. No Time on Our Side. Sidney, BC: Gray's Publishing Ltd,
>1975. The story of Picsces III on the bottom for three days.
>Chester, Michael & Thomas. Submersibles and Undersea Labs of the World. New
>York: Grosset & Dunlap, Inc., 1970.
>Committee on Undersea Warfare. Human Factors in Undersea Warfare. Washington
>D.C.: National Research Council, 1949. A survey report.
>Darby, Ray & Patricia. Conquering the Deep Sea Frontier. New York: David
>Mckay Co., 1971.
>Davis, Sir Robert H. Deep Diving and Submarine Operations. Cwmbran, Gwent:
>Siebe, Gorman & Co., 1995. A manual for deep sea divers and compressed air
>workers. Originally published in the early 1900Ís.
>De Latil, Pierre and Rivoire, Jean. Man and the Underwater World. New York:
>G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1956. 2nd. "The story of man's age old quest to explore
>the three quarters of the world's surface that lies under water".
>Diole, Philippe & Falco, Albert. Falco Chief Diver of the Calypso. New York:
>Barron's Educational Series, Inc., 1977.
>Dugan, James. Man Under the Sea. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1956.
>Earle, Sylvia & Giddings, Al. Exploring the Deep Frontier. Washington D.C.:
>National Geographic Society, 1980. The Adventure of Man in the Sea.
>Field, Cyril. The Story of the Submarine. CT: Brohan Press, 2000. First
>printed in 1908 by Lippincott Co., London "From the earliest of ages to the
>present day".
>Flemming, N.C. The Undersea. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., 1977.
>Foreman, Will. American Deep Submersible Operations. Flagstaff: Best
>Publishing Co., 1999.
>Geyer, Richard A. Submersibles and Their Use in Oceanography and Ocean
>Engineering. New York: Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co., 1977.
>Gruse Harris, Patricia A. Great Lakes' First Submarine. Ohio: The Hubbard
>Company, 1982. The story of L.D. Phillips' "Fool Killer".
>Hancock, Gillian. Daring Dives of Submarines and Submersibles. London: Kaye
>& Ward, 1980.
>Harris, Gary L. Ironsuit. Flagstaff: Best Publishing Company, 1994. The
>history of the atmospheric diving suit.
>Honour, Alan. Ten Miles High, Two Miles Deep. New York: Whittlesey House,
>1957. The Adventure of the Piccards.
>Houot, Georges, & Willm, Pierre. 2000 Fathoms Down. New York: E.P. Dutton &
>Co. Inc., 1955.
>Hutcheon, Wallace S. Jr. Robert Fulton. Annapolis, Md: Naval Institute
>Press, 1981. "Pioneer of Undersea Warfare".
>Johnson, Rebecca L. Diving Into Darkness. Minneapolis: Lerner Publications
>Co., 1989.
>Kaharl, Victoria A. Water Baby. New York: Oxford University Press, 1990. The
>story of Alvin.
>Kittredge, George William. I Found Israel's Atom Bomb Factory. ME: Schooner
>Bay Printing, Inc., 2000.
>Lewis, Flora. One of Our H-Bombs is Missing. New York: McGraw Hill Book Co.,
>1967. Description of recovery of lost H-Bombs in Palomares, Spain in 1966.
>Limburg, Peter R. & Sweeney, James B. Vessels for Underwater Exploration.
>New York: Crown publishers, Inc., 1973. History of all things under the sea.
>Link, Marion Clayton. Window in the Sea. Washington D.C.: Smithsonian
>Institution Press, 1973 . The link adventures continue.
>MacInnis, Joe. Underwater Man. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1974. Medical
>adventures of a diving doctor.
>Nuckols, M. L., Tucker, W.C. & Sarich, A.J. Life Support Systems Design. MA:
>Simon & Schuster, 1996.
>Piccard, Auguste. Earth, Sky and Sea. New York: Oxford University Press,
>Piccard, Auguste. In Balloon and Bathyscaphe. London: Cassell & Co., 1956.
>English printing of "Earth, Sky & Sea".
>Piccard, Jacques. The Sun Beneath the Sea. New York: Charles Scribner's
>Sons, 1971.
>Piccard, Jacques & Dietz, Robert S. Seven Miles Down. London: Longmans,
>Green & Co., 1962. The Story of the Bathyscaphe Trieste.
>Ross, Frank Jr. Undersea Vehicles and Habitats. New York: T.Y. Crowell Co.,
>1970. "The Peaceful Uses of the Oceans".
>Shannon, Terry. Saucer in the Sea. San Carlos, Ca.: Golden Gate Junior
>Books, 1965. "The story of the Cousteau Diving Saucer in Pacific Coast
>Waters". Excellent photos "under the hood" of the saucer.
>Shannon, Terry & Payzant, Charles. Windows in the Sea. Childrens Press,
>Chicago: Golden Gate Junior Book, 1973. "New Vehicles that scan the Ocean
>Shenton, Edward H. Exploring the Ocean Depths. New York: W.W. Norton & Co.,
>Inc., 1968. "The story of the Cousteau Diving Saucer in the Pacific".
>Shenton, Edward H. Diving for Science. New York: W.W. Norton & Co. Inc.,
>1972. "The Story of the Deep Submersible". Includes description of
>scientific submersibles in existence up to that time.
>Snyder, Dick. The Trieste. San Carlos, Ca.: Golden Gate Junior Books, 1964.
>"The story of the United States Navy's first inner space ship".
>Soule, Gardner. The Greatest Depths. Philadelphia: MacRae Smith Co., 1970.
>"Probing the Seas to 20,000 feet and below".
>Soule, Gardner. Undersea Frontiers. New York: Rand McNally, 1968. "Exploring
>by Deep Diving Submarines".
>Soule, Gradner. The Ocean Adventure. New York: Appleton-Century, 1966.
>"Science Explores the depths of the sea".
>Sutcliffe, Alice C. Robert Fulton. New York: The MacMillan Co., 1925.
>Written by great granddaughter, first published in 1915.
>Sweeney, James B. A Pictorial History of Oceanographic Submersibles. New
>York: Crown Publishers Inc., 1971. 420 illustrations. Should be called "A
>Pictorial History of Man Under the Sea".
>Tailliez, Philippe. Aquarius. London: George G. Harrap & Co Ltd, 1964.
>Documents a Trieste-like submarine built by a P.O.W. in Russia during WWII.
>Talkington, Howard R. Undersea Work Systems. New York: Marcel Dekker Inc.,
>Terry, Richard D. The Deep Submersible. North Hollywood: Western Periodicals
>Co., 1966. Excellent overview of state of the art in 1966.
>Van Dover, Cindy Lee. Deep Ocean Journeys. MA: Addison-Wesley, 1996.
>"Discovering new life at the bottom of the sea". Written by the first female
>Alvin pilot.
>Van Hoek, Susan with Link, Marion. From Sky to Sea. AZ: Best Publishing Co.,
>1993. "A story of Edwin A. Link".
>Warren, C.E.T. & Benson, James. Above Us the Waves. London: George G. Harrap
>& Co, 1953. "The story of Midget Submarines and Human Torpedoes".
>Welham, Michael. Exploring the Deep. London: Patrick Stephens Ltd, 1994.
>"The quest to conquer earth's last frontier".
>Wolfe, Louis. Ships That Explore the Deep. New York: F.P. Putnams's Sons,
>Yutaka Yokota with Harrington, Joseph D. Suicide Submarine. New York:
>Ballantine Books, 1962.
>Zimmerman, Stan. Submarine Technology for the 21st Century. BC Canada:
>Trafford Publ., 2000. Excellent synopsis of modern submarine technology.
>Brahtz, John F. Ocean Engineering. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1968.
>Burcher, Roy and Rydill, Louis. Concepts in Submarine Design. Cambridge:
>Cambridge Univ. Press, 1997. Excellent academic textbook.
>Butler G. & Ison, HCK. Corrosion and Its Prevention in Waters. New York:
>Reinhold Publishers Corp., 1966. Simple but academic.
>Clay, Clarence S. Acoustical Oceanography. New York: John Wiley & Sons,
>Committee on Undersea Warfare. Human Factors in Undersea Warfare. Washington
>D.C.: National Research Council, 1949. A survey report.
>Dexter, Stephen C. Handbook of Oceanographic Materials. Malabar, FL: Robert
>E. Krieger Publishing Co., 1985. Excellent synopsis of all types of
>materials and their physical properties.
>Friedman, Norman. Submarine Design and Development. Annapolis: Naval
>Institute Press, 1984.
>Gaythwaite, John. The Marine Environment and Structural Design. New York:
>Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1981.
>Gerken, Louis C. Torpedo Technology. Ca.: American Scientific Corp, 1989.
>Gerr, Dave. Propeller Handbook. OK: International Marine Publishing Co.,
>Goodfellow, Ron. Underwater Engineering. OK: Petroleum Publishing Company,
>Haux, Gerhard. Subsea Manned Engineering. Ca.: Best Publishing Co., 1982.
>Hay, Marley F. Secrets of the Submarine. New York: dodd, Mead & Co., 1917.
>Linden, David (Editor). Handbook of Batteries. New York: Mcgraw Hill, 1984.
>Moss, Dennis R. Pressure Vessel Design Manual. Houston: Gulf Publishing Co.,
>Myers, John J., Holm, Carl H. & McAllister, R.F. Handbook of Ocean and
>Underwater Engineering. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1969.
>Nuckols, M. L., Tucker, W.C. & Sarich, A.J. Life Support Systems Design. MA:
>Simon & Schuster, 1996.
>Parmley, Robert (Editor). Mechanical Components Handbook. New York: Mcgraw
>Hill, 1985.
>Pretzer, Roger. Marine Metals Manual. ME: International Marine Pub. Co. ,
>Talkington, Howard R. Undersea Work Systems. New York: Marcel Dekker Inc.,
>Tucker, Wayne C. Divers Handbook of Underwater Calculations. MD: Cornell
>Maritime Press, 1986.
>Ulrich, Gabler. Submarine Design. Koblenz: Bernard & Graefe Verlag, 1986.
>Williams, Jerome. Oceanographic Instrumentation. MD: Naval Institute Press,
>Zimmerman, Stan. Submarine Technology for the 21st Century. BC Canada:
>Trafford Publ., 2000. Excellent synopsis of modern technology.
>Aymar, Brandt. Men at Sea. New York: Barnes & Nobles Books, 1994. "The best
>sea stories of all time".
>Ballard, Robert D. The Discovery of the Titanic. Toronto: Madison
>Publishing, Inc., 1987.
>Hanauer, Eric. Diving Pioneers. San Diego: Watersport publishing, Inc.,
>1994. An oral history of diving in America.
>Hendrickson, Robert. The Ocean Almanac. New York: Doubleday, 1984.
>Link, Marion Clayton. Sea Diver. New York: Rhinehart & Co., 1959. "A Quest
>for History Under the Sea".
>Link, Marion Clayton. Window in the Sea. Washington D.C.: Smithsonian
>Institution Press, 1973. The Link adventures continue.
>Madsen, Axel. Cousteau. New York: Beaufort Books Publishers, 1986. An
>Unauthorized Biography.
>Mathieson, Ray. Diving with and Without Armor. DE: Adams Publishing
>Enterprises, 1990. Reprint of 1859 Autobiography of J.B.Green "The
>Celebrated Submarine Diver".
>Sutcliffe, Alice C. Robert Fulton. New York: The MacMillan Co., 1925.
>Written by great granddaughter, first published in 1915.
>Tyler, Patrick. Running Critical. New York: Harper & Row, 1986. "The silent
>war, Rickover, and General Dynamics".
>Van Hoek, Susan with Link, Marion. From Sky to Sea. AZ: Best Publishing Co.,
>1993. "A story of Edwin A. Link".
>Williamson, J.E. Twenty Years Under the Sea. New York: Hale, Cushman &
>Flint, 1936. The man who made the original "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea"
>film in the 1930Ís.
>Anderson, Willam R. With Blair, Clay Jr. Nautilus 90 North. PA: Tab Books,
>Inc., 1989.
>Barrows, Nat A. Blow All Ballast!. New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1941.
>The story of the Squalus.
>Borghese, J. Valerio. Sea Devils. London: Andrew Melrose Ltd,, 1955. First
>Published 1952, reprinted 5 times.
>Calvert, Commander James. Surface at the Pole. New York: Scholastic Book
>Services, 1966. The extraordinary voyages of the USS Skate.
>Cheatham, James T. The Atlantic Turkey Shoot. Charlotte, Nc: Delmar Printing
>Co., 1992. U-Boats off the Outer Banks in World War II.
>Clancy, Tom. Submarine. New York: Berkley Books, 1993. A guided tour inside
>a nuclear warship.
>Cohen, Paul. The Realm of the Submarine. London: The Macmillan Co, 1969.
>Good technical overview of underwater engineering.
>Cross, Wilbur. Challengers of the Deep. New York: William Sloane Associates,
>1959. Excellent history of military submarines.
>Davies, Roy. Nautilus. London: BBC Books, 1995. The story of man under the
>sea, accompanies the major TV series.
>Ellsberg, Commander Edward. Men Under the Sea. New York: dodd, Mead & Co.,
>Ellsberg, Commander Edward. On the Bottom. New York: Blue Ribbon Books,
>Field, Cyril. The Story of the Submarine. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott &
>Co., 1908. Reprinted in 2000 by Brohan Press, CT. Complete history of
>submarines from 415AD to 1908.
>Francis, T. L. Submarines. New York: Friedman/Fairfax, 2000. Leviathans of
>the Deep.
>Galantin, Admiral I.J. Take Her Deep! Chapel Hill: Algonquin Books, 1987. A
>submarine against japan in WWII.
>Gray, Edwyn A. The U-Boat War. London: Leo Cooper, 1994. First published in
>1972 as "The Killing Time".
>Hay, Marley F. Secrets of the Submarine. New York: dodd, Mead & Co., 1917.
>Horton, Edward. The Illustrated History of the Submarine. Garden City, NY:
>Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1974. Excellent black & white photographs.
>Jackson, Robert. Submarines of the World. New York: Barnes & Noble Books,
>Keatts, Henry & Farr, George. Dive Into History, U-Boats. New York: American
>Merchant Marine Museum Press, 1986. Sunken UBoat locations within scuba
>depths in US waters.
>Keatts, Henry C. & Farr, George C. Dive Into History Vol. 2. Houston, TX:
>Pisces Books, 1991.
>Kemp, Paul. Midget Submarine of the Second World War. London: Chatham
>Publishing, 1999. Excellent coverage of midget subs.
>Kemp, Paul J. Midget Submarines. London: Arms and Armor Press, 1990. Great
>Koenig, Captain Paul. Voyage of the Deutschland. New York: Hearst's
>International Library Co., 1916. "The First Merchant Submarine" last name
>also spelled Konig.
>Lake, Simon. The Submarine in War and Peace. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott &
>Co., 1918.
>Lewellen, John. The Atomic Submarine. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1954.
>Lockwood, Charles A. & Adamson, Hans Christian. Hell at 50 Fathoms. New
>York: Chilton Co., 1962. U.S. Navy Submarine disasters that led to modern
>survival and salvage methods.
>Maas, Peter. The Rescuer. New York: Harper & Row, 1967. The extraordinary
>life of the Navy's "Swede" Momsen and his role in an epic submarine
>Mitchell, Pamela. The Tip of the Spear. UK: Richard Netherwood Ltd, 1993.
>Complete history of the Midget Submarines of WWII.
>Morris, Richard K. John P. Holland. MD: United States Naval Institute, 1966.
>Inventor of the Modern Submarine.
>O'Kane, Richard H. Clear the Bridge!. Ca.: Presidio Press, 1989. The War
>Patrols of the USS Tang.
>Parsons, Wm. Barclay. Robert Fulton and the Submarine. New York: Columbia
>University Press, 1922.
>Polmar, Norman. The American Submarine. MD: Nautical and Aviation Pub. Co.,
>Preston, Antony. Submarines. London: Bison Books Ltd., 1982.
>Raymer, CMDR Edward C. Descent Into Darkness. Ca.: Presidio Press, 1996.
>Pearl Harbor, 1941, A Navy Divers Memoir.
>Shelford, Capt. W.O. SubSunk. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Co, Inc., 1960.
>"The story of submarine escape" excellent diagrams of escape apparatus in
>Siiteri, Helen A. Papa Topside. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1993. "The
>SeaLab Chronicles of Capt. George F. Bond, USN".
>Wagner, Frederick. Submarine Fighter of the Amercian Revolution. New York:
>dodd, Mead & Co, 1963. The story of David Bushnell.
>Warren, C.E.T. & Benson, James. Above Us the Waves. London: George G. Harrap
>& Co, 1953. "The story of Midget Submarines and Human Torpedoes".
>Warren, C.E.T. & Benson, James. Only Four Escaped. New York: William Sloane
>Assoc., 1959. "The hour-by-hour account of the bravery, bungling,
>helplessness and heroism of men trapped by the sea".
>Werner, Herbert A. Iron Coffins. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1969.
>"A personal account of the German U-Boat battles of World War II".
>Yutaka Yokota with Harrington, Joseph D. Suicide Submarine. New York:
>Ballantine Books, 1962.
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