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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Moki picture upload site problems/plus posts going thu problems.

I forgot to mention Rick, that one reason I may not have responded and thanked you was because I was not sure if my messages were getting thu or not.
That and the moki thing must have thrown me off to make me remiss in responding and thanking you. Not an excuse, but a possible reason.
I do try to be diligent. That one got by me.
----- Original Message -----
From: Akins
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2005 2:03 AM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Moki picture upload site problems/plus posts going thu problems.

Hi Rick.
My apologies. I certainly mean't to thank you. I got sidetracked I guess and forgot to. Not normal for me. I am usually really good about
getting back with people and thanking them when they answer my questions and try to help me.  I will rectify that right now.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH! Happy birthday, and I will light a candle for ya! (holding lit cigarette lighter aloft right now, for real!) 
Seriously though, it was very nice of you to respond even though the question was for Carsten and even though you responded
many months later after I asked it, it was still nice of you to do so and I really do appreciate it. I will try and make sure I don't miss
thanking anyone else in the future who tries to answer my questions and be helpful. Please accept my apologies for my being remiss.
What is extraordinary about you is that you REMEMBERED my question many months after I asked it and I guess when you saw I had
returned to posting again, you answered it. Another remarkable thing is that you not only remembered my question from that long ago, but you further
took the time to think about me and to answer it in detail all these months later! I am very impressed. Mucho kudos for your dilegence and thank you again..
I would like to know more about your typhoon dry ambient boat. Do you have pics online anywhere?  Why is it called a "Typhoon" after a
Soviet class of sub? Is it's hull shape styled after the Russian boat?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2005 1:04 AM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Moki picture upload site problems/plus posts going thu problems.

Bill, Bill, Bill . . .
I know how you feel about being insulted.  I posted a nice . . . nay, exquisite response ["acrylic dome escape pod question for Cars"]  to some putz and received not even a single thankyou, birthday card or votive candle.  I think his name was Bill Akins something or other    ;-)
Seriously, you are coming in loud and clear.  Sometimes members get wrapped up with their personal lives [kids times 3, wives, careers, finances, house chores, fixing the car, delinquent mothers-in-law, etc.] Not all of us are retired with no kids at home!!!
I'm still dedicated to building my Typhoon dry ambient boat. Hang in there!
Rick Lucertini
Vancouver, Canada

----- Original Message -----
From: Akins
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Moki picture upload site problems/plus posts going thu problems.

After many months of not posting to Psubs because of being insulted by one of the members, I decided to start posting again recently and have done so but am not sure if my posts have gone thru
since I have received no response to my recent posts.
I recently finished building a homemade motor mount for my wetsub and have tried to upload pictures of it to moki SEVEN times now, without success.
I wanted to upload the pictures so members could see my setup and I could ask several questions regarding solonoid to battery connections and the pictures could help people
understand how I was going to hook things up so they might better answer my questions.
I have asked the question if something was wrong with the moki picture upload site several times and asked for help here at the mailing list but have received no response.
I have twice personally e mailed psubs moderator Ray asking for help with moki without a response back as yet. I also e mailed Jon without a response back as yet.
I have always received the messages from Psubs even though I was not participating in posting for a long time. I do not know if my lack of participation caused
my membership to somehow corrupt or be changed so that I could not upload to moki or what. I also do not know if any of my recent postings are going thru and if I am
just receiving psubs posts without being able to send to others. I do not know if somehow my membership was deleted and I cannot upload to moki or any of my messages
go thru to others even though I continue to receive messages from the psubs mailing list. If I receive no response from this posting then I will know my messages
are not going thru and I am only receiving messages. If  I do receive a reply to this message then will someone please tell me if the moki picture upload site is down. I cannot understand why
I cannot upload pictures to it. I have followed the instructions on the moki page bottom to the letter, plus I have uploaded pictures there before. If I do not receive a response to this post
then I can only assume my membership is somehow messed up, whereupon I will cancel my membership and reapply.