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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Another message from Simon Lake's great grandson.

A few days ago we were talking about whether any of Simon Lake's Russian built submarines saw combat in WW1.
I posted an e mail sent to me by his great grandson Jeff Lake that said to his knowledge there were none that saw combat.
Then Jay Jeffries from our forum said he believed that maybe none of the Russian Lake subs saw combat but perhaps the Austrian ones built by Lake did.
I contacted  Jeff Lake again and his e mail response I include below. It sounds like he could use some help with the Simon Lake archives since his health
has not been good. Any volunteers? He said much of the Simon Lake archives remain unstudied. That is a shame. He also said something about a Simon Lake
protector class sub built for Russia still existing on display in some courtyard somewhere. Has anyone heard of it or seen it? What a find that would make!
I don't have the time but if anyone out there would like to help Jeff Lake with his great grandfather's archives I'll just bet he would appreciate it.
I also include herein this link to a site that at least accounts for 6 of the 11 subs Lake built for Russia. Scroll down to "Lake class Submarines" and you will
see that 6 of them were scrapped in 1913-1914. Here's the link http://www.battleships-cruisers.co.uk/russian_submarines.htm
Kindest Regards,
Bill Akins.
  I know Jay. Last time I saw him was at the deactivation of the USS SIMON LAKE ceremonies in 1999.
   Sounds like jay and others may be allot more knowledgably in this area than I. Much of the SL collection remains unstudied, and I have been down with health problems these last few years. Also, with the Florida hurricanes, the collection had to be moved and remains in storage at this point while I rebuild.
   An interesting research item is that a few years ago, there was a suggestion thru the Navy that one of the Protector type subs built for Russia may still exist in some courtyard on display. Inquiries haven't turned any results that that is true or not. But would certainly make an exciting discovery should it be true.
----- Original Message -----
From: Akins
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 11:48 PM
Subject: Re: Simon Lake's Austro-Hungarian submarines used during the first World War?

Thanks Jeff.
One of the fellows at the personal submarine forum site Psubs.org had asked if any of your great grandfather's subs built for Russia had seen
combat during the first world war. I relayed to him that you told me none had. One of the fellows at the site is Jay Jeffries and he said that Austria Hungary
had U1 and U2 that participated in the first world war and that they were operated later by the Italians until 1920. Is he correct, and were some of your great grandfather's
submarines NOT built for Russia in WW1 combat? If this is correct, do you know if they sunk any ships?  
Thanks for responding and answering so quickly.
Bill Akins.