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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] beta cells,cold fusion

I think everyone would agree that a power storage device better than lead acid batteries would significantly improve PSUBS but I think there are most probably better places on the web for obtaining information on nuclear research.  However, I've been interested in doing my own cold fusion experiment myself.  So here is a link where you can obtain palladium.  I am not sure if it is the best source.
They have some other equipment for doing electrolysis experiments which can be helpful.
You might want to consider experimenting with other less expensive metals, I heard that the cold fusion effect has been reported in other less-rare metals such as nickel and titanium. 
You'll probably next be wanting to find a source of deuterium oxide, i.e. heavy water.  The cheapest place I found was:
I don't recommend throwing anything over the fence of a nuclear power plant, especially in the post 9/11 world. 
Happy tinkering.
"sorry if this sent twise didnt seem to send" Hey, (please excuse bad spelling) today i have been playing with a betavoltic battery that is made out of 5 smoke detectors. its a nuclear battery, basicaly stimulating the decay of a nuclear isotope to produce abundant, safe and clean electric energy. well umm it dosnt produce as much energy as u need to stimulate it but theoreticaly it could...... lol.... ( ill keep playing) am also looking for some palladium so i can do a cold fusion experiment , dose anyone know where i can get this? another question, dose anyone know how to dispose of small amounts of radio active waste? i was thinking dipositing it at nuclear power plant (i.e. go to cevilian perimeter, lob it then run) ok perhaps i will seek further info beforhand. as you have just read i am currently looking at possible sorces of energy for a psub, fuel cells seem to be the least complicated. beta decay cells are a little more complicated but COULD produce a larg amount of energy or at least a small amount of energy over a long period of time. ok well thanks for reading this, dose anyone els have other ideas? sugestions? encounters? warnings? such like? other? misc?