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Ha! That was a good one Bob. Nice humor. Gave me a funny mental picture and good chuckle. But I don't think Cliff is going sub spearfishing for the Housatonic. Lol.
One thing I have been thinking about Cliff is this. You said you plan to make like a mini torpedo tube, fixed, non pivoting spear gun that you will
be unable to actually move seperate from the sub. This makes me think of fixed machineguns mounted on the cowling of a WW1 airplane wherein you
have to actually aim the plane to aim the guns. The analogy is the same for your idea of a static speargun on your sub Cliff. But an airplane is much more
maneuverable than a sub. Also the enemy plane is a lot larger and easier to hit than a fish. I just think that you are going to have a hard time spearing anything
unless it swims right in front of where your fixed trajectory of where your spear will go. The only way you could track a fish with it would be to move the sub, just like
moving a plane with a fixed gun. That means you would have to be an expert pilot in turning and trimming your sub and be able to do it while tracking the fish and sighting and firing
your static speargun Cliff. Is it possible? Yes. But darn hard I would think. Unless the fish swam right in front of where your fixed trajectory of the spear would go, or unless you somehow
hung some bait out with a boom to attract the fish to where the fixed trajectory of the spear would go, I just don't see you spearing many fish. 
How about thinking of mounting an external speargun on the sub that works like a mechanical arm does. Wherein you could move the external speargun like moving a mechanical retrieval arm.
Then the sub could stay still and only the speargun would move and track the fish. Otherwise you are in a situation that would be like bolting a rifle to your car fender and trying to go
rabbit hunting with it by moving the car to track the rabbit!  Take a look at the nose mounted chain cannon that is used on our apache helicopters. It goes whereever the pilot moves his vision to.
It can track a target with no regard to what position the helicopter is in. You are going to have controls to move your dive planes up and down, and controls to move your rudder side to side.
Why not hook up controls to do the same thing with your speargun? As John Wayne said in the movie The Sands of Iwo Jima, "windage and elevation mister, windage and elevation".
Kindest Regards,
Bill Akins. 
----- Original Message -----
From: Bob Duncan
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2005 9:30 AM
Subject: RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Spearfishing WARNING

Well....I think you ought to rig your submarine up like the CSS Hunley. Mount a harpoon on top with the explosive charge attached. Ram a whale, or a big fish, back off and pull the string !!!!
  It is rude of course to ask someone where they are from. If they are from Texas they will let you know. If not, there is no need to embarrass them.

Cliff McDonald <cmcdonald@applikonusa.com> wrote:
This has been of some concern to me also.  The guy I share my office with is a "Coasty".  We've had some pretty lengthy discussions about what a person could do to make all the different law enforcement / Homeland Security  organizations aware of my sub when it is ready to go.  Located basically on the Houston Ship Channel, I'm more worried about being accused of building a terrorist device than of drug smuggling, especially with a "gun barrel" welded to the top of it.  As you, I am planning to make as many people aware of it as I can, even to the point of notifying the local Federal agencies.  I'm also planning to have some type of removable cover for the barrel, so I don't have bored drivers with cell phones calling in a "suspicious device" when I'm trailering it to the water.  It's a shame that things have to be this way.
Best Regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-personal_submersibles@psubs.org [mailto:owner-personal_submersibles@psubs.org]On Behalf Of Akins
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 10:05 PM
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Spearfishing WARNING

Dear Silky.
I question your friends judgement when he built a submarine in the midst of the largest cannabis plantation in the world. It is human nature to think....If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck,
and quacks like a duck, it is probably a duck. I can understand how the authorities whether right or wrong assumed it was for drug smuggling. If he had notified the authorities before hand that he was
building a sub and made sure they understood, this might not have happened to him. It is unfortunate that someone has to let the authorities know and maybe even get their permission
to do something that is not illegal like building his sub. This does not excuse the authorities for making their mistake, but I think it is understandable. It appears the authorities saved a little face by retaining
the weapons charges for the spearguns being mounted on it. They probably did this so your friend could not bring charges against them. If they have something on him he most likely will not bring charges
against them. Typical cover your butt procedure for authorities caught making a mistake. One question. Did they return his sub to him? I am going to suspect that they kept it and used the "weapons" charge to
justify him not getting his sub back. This way not only do they save face, but they make sure his sub is never used for drug smuggling. They might think it would be possible for a boat to tow the sub underwater and unseen for some
distance, and then have a quick release cable on the sub so it could detach if a patrol boat came along and the tow boat warned the sub. This way the sub COULD be towed for a drug run and detach and hide until a patrol boat left after inspecting the tow boat.
Then the sub could reattach the communications, air, power and tow lines and continue on underwater with the tow boat. This is a possible scenereo and I believe could be, or maybe already has been done. It makes sense. It might sound difficult but
drug smugglers are crafty and the payoff is very high when they succeed so they have a lot of money to built a complex, detachable tow, sub.   I always believe if it can be done, it will be done, by someone eventually.
When my sub is operational I plan to join my close by local coast guard auxillary. That way the coast guard will know about my sub and myself, and hopefully this will preclude any misconceptions about my subs use by the authorities. I foresee that I could get
some raised eyebrows from authorities what with all the terrorism in the world and our increased homeland security (or lack thereof, Lol) I plan to use common sense and be very open about my sub and its use. Me helping in the coast guard
auxilliary is a good thing and doesn't hurt your image in the eyes of the coast guard because they know what you are about and this helps to avoid what happened to your friend. Being a member of the coast guard auxilliary doesn't mean I
wouldn't be able to use the sub to attach a limpet mine to a ship, but it sure makes it less likely in their perception. That is what really counts here isn't it? The authorities mistaken perception of your friend.  
I sympathize with your friend. I do hope he got his sub back but I doubt it.
Your point is very valid and well taken. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Kindest Regards,
Bill Akins.
----- Original Message -----
From: silky
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 6:42 PM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Spearfishing WARNING

I dont know what the if this is relative to the laws in USA but worth going into. (sorry about spelling(not english)) (intro) i was born in spain and lived in the riff for some time (this is the largest cannabis plantation in the world) i have been spearfishing all my life, (main)a few years ago a friend from the riff atempted to built a psub for spearfishing reason! however it was conviscated by the military police and he was sent to cort with charges of having built a drug sub and aditional charges for having mounted weapons (spearguns!) (result)he spent 1.5 years in jail for this befor a friend was able to prove that he would never have been able to navigate\ travel 20km to spain and thus as he is capable of such calculations, prove that this was never the intention. the courts accepted this but did not drop the charges about the weapons(truely outrageos). He is being released this summer. so dear spearfish psubers please dont get accidentaly involved in su! chlike i think this may b a problem if you live far south much respect

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