$425Motor, LEMCO designed, 24 to 48 volt Etek by Briggs & Stratton, 7/8" keyed shaft
New 24 to 48 Volt Etek Permanent Magnet "Pancake" Design Motor allows for
a flat torque curve to allow you to climb hills without loosing appreciable speed,
50% smaller and 20% lighter than standard series wound motors. High efficiency
extends run times. 3/4" keyed shaft, good for industrial vehicles, also a very good choice for heavy robots, small trains,
small motorcycles and other small vehicles. Etek motor comes with a one-year
limited warranty on materials and workmanship.
Due to agreements with OEMs, we are requested by Briggs and Stratton to inform
our customers that this motor may not be sold into the following OEM (original equipment manufacture) markets. This does not mean you can not build something for your personal use. The markets not allowed are as follows:
1- Electric fun karts
2- Marine propulsion units in Europe
3- Electric vehicles designed to be used on city streets
15 horsepower peak @ 325 amps, 7 horsepower continuous @ 120 amps, 3000 RPM, 72
RPM per volt, 6500 RPM Burst Speed
Weight: 21.5 poundsHow much are they?----- Original Message -----From: Dave BanksSent: Monday, February 07, 2005 6:29 PMSubject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] ETEK motorAnd to beat all, they're available through a company who's name is a house-hold word. Has any one identified how much it'll set a guy back for a matched set. I found some other DISC type motors using similar technology a few months ago, but they where $4,000 a pop.....Thank You very much "Alec" nice find. These units could easily be made to withstand 400 Bars and still have awesome cooling. I just added a new Millermatic 350 P with a XR push pull gun to my arsenal of welding paraphernalia this afternoon. Very nice, very, very nice.Look at this little DC motor I came across... 15HP peak / 8 HP continuous, and it weighs 21 lbs!
vendor website: http://www.briggsandstratton.com/display/router.asp?DocID=68483
an application: http://www.psnw.com/~jmrudholm/etekoutboard.html
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