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     And to beat all, they're available through a company who's name is a house-hold word.  Has any one identified how much it'll set a guy back for a matched set. I found some other DISC type motors using similar technology a few months ago, but they where $4,000 a pop.....
     Thank You very much "Alec" nice find. These units could easily be made to withstand 400 Bars and still have awesome cooling.  I just added a new Millermatic 350 P with a XR push pull gun to my arsenal of welding paraphernalia this afternoon. Very nice, very, very nice.

Alec Smyth <Alec.Smyth@compuware.com> wrote:
Look at this little DC motor I came across... 15HP peak / 8 HP continuous, and it weighs 21 lbs!

vendor website: http://www.briggsandstratton.com/display/router.asp?DocID=68483

an application: http://www.psnw.com/~jmrudholm/etekoutboard.html



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