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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] For Pierre. Where to buy waterproof connectors

It probably won't matter a lot for a sub that is only in the water for a short period of time but, after doing some experimenting, I have found that under pressure, water migrates along a cable through the strands of wire.  To be more exact, in between the strands of stranded wire.  It only takes a few pounds of pressure to move it along. 
That's why when I made my through hulls for Persistence, I made them with a cavity where the insulation is stripped off each conductor for a half inch, then each conductor is tinned with solder and then the cavity was filled with epoxy.  The solder created a road block in the stranded wire and the epoxy seals the road block and whole cable into the thruhull.  My arrangement also has some mechanical clamping on the cable jacket. 
Dan H.
----- Original Message -----
From: Akins
Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2005 10:17 PM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] For Pierre. Where to buy waterproof connectors

Hi Pierre.
McMaster-Carr (which is the manufacturer for the cord grips in question) says that its nickel plated brass liquid tight cord grips are usable in up to 300 ft of water. More than
enough for the scuba depths that you and I will go to in our wetsubs Pierre. So I believe they would work for our applications. However, before I buy any of their fittings I have a
few questions about their thru the hull fittings that I would like answered.
Like for instance....on their stainless steel fittings description they say.... "Made of Type 303 stainless steel to provide strain relief for cables outdoors and in other corrosive environments. Fittings also provide a seal against dirt, moisture, coolant, and corrosive fumes. All include a zinc-plated steel washer, neoprene bushing, Viton O-ring, and zinc-plated steel locknut (stainless steel locknuts are sold separately). Temperature range is -40° to +250°  F. UL listed and CSA certified."
Now these fittings are listed as, and susposed to be stainless steel. So why is it then that the steel washer has to be zinc plated? And the steel locknut zinc plated as well but you can purchase a stainless steel locknut for more money????
It would seem to me that if the fittings are listed as stainless steel, then they should be ALL stainless. So how come the zinc plating? You don't need zinc plating on stainless unless those parts are NOT stainless. In which case only part of the
thru the hull fitting would be stainless and the washer and locknut would be regular steel with a zinc plating. At least that appears to be what it is saying, especially since they tell you they offer a stainless steel locknut seperately (for more money of course). 
So if you wanted all stainless I would e mail the company and clairify if the fitting is ALL stainless steel and if not why then why do they list it as stainless?
Also the only depth ratings they gave their fittings were for the nickel plated brass ones up to 300 feet. They do not say what their depth rating is for the nylon ones or any of the others. It would be worth it to drop them an e mail to find out some answers
before purchasing, that is what I am going to do before I buy mine.
So on the one hand it would appear they are just what we need, but a few questions need to be answered first.
Here is the link to their homepage. Click on the link at the top that says "e mail" and it will open a page where you can type a message to them and give your e mail so they can answer. They do not have their e mail address listed directly, and
this appears to be the only way to e mail them. Here's the link.... http://www.mcmaster.com/products.html?sesnextrep=503075273937970&version=1
Kindest Regards,
Bill Akins.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2005 7:05 PM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] For Pierre. Where to buy waterproof connectors

Hi Bill,
Can those liquid-thigth cord grips be used as ambient throuth-hole? They look like so to me...
----- Original Message -----
From: Akins
Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2005 11:35 AM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] For Pierre. Where to buy waterproof connectors

Hi Pierre.
Below are several links where you can purchase waterproof connectors.
Kindest Regards,
Bill Akins.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2005 9:31 PM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] waterproof connector

Hi again,
Also, where do you buy your waterproof connectors?