In a message dated 12/25/2004 4:44:14 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
Vance: I walked past 'Aquarius' in its bay this morning . . .she's all shiny and clean and still has the green laser array affixed from a recent fisheries survey Also, HMI lights, HD Camera, Digi-still camera, Slurp gun, Rotary speciman tray, etc. - looks like high-tech jewellery . . . and I thought I heard a little, tiny, femminine voice saying "Vance . . .where ae you . . .I'm ready for you . . .
Pretty damn spooky, if you ask me!
You oughtta get on up here and plunge into the ol' girl, sometime - she misses you!
Reagards Phil
You're killing me, Nuytton!!!