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RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Sub building business
Hi Hugo-
I am already running a small medical business and it is no fun, but
overhead, personal guarantees, and sheer stubbornness keep me anchored.
What sort of business are you in?
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-personal_submersibles@psubs.org
[mailto:owner-personal_submersibles@psubs.org] On Behalf Of Hugo Marrero
Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2004 7:24 PM
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Subject: RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Sub building business
Hi guys,
While I have not been posting much lately, I have always kept reading
all the interesting postings in this forum.
Just like many of you, I have been toying with the idea of making
private submersible ownership available to the public in general. And
while I have higher purposes in life, I have never really stopped
pondering on how to make this happen. Since I see some interested in
this, I want to share some of my thoughts to gauge the level of passion
& commitment for creating a sub business.
The existing problem is not the product (e.g. the sub), but rather the
market...it's a catch 22.... In order to manufacture and sell enough
subs to survive, a viable market must exist. In order for that market to
exist, the price of the vehicle must be competitive enough to keep sales
coming in. In order to keep the submersible price competitive you need
to keep your costs as low as possible. And in order to keep the
manufacturing costs low you need a viable market. I am sure all can see
the problem.
Also there is the infamous Lemming Effect... since the "Joneses" don't
own a private submarine no one wants to be the first to buy that sub as
people hate uncertainty. Once the "Joneses" brave enough buy their sub
then is easier for the rest to follow.
Since it takes a lot of money to start up, is difficult to prove that
there is a market to investors, and the record shows that most everyone
who has been brave enough to start is either out of busines, have only
built prototypes and have never progressed further or have never even
got past the conceptual planning stage. Therefore is a very risky
venture and extremely hard to get even your beloved rich uncle to lend
you $50K to build a prototype.
Since a sustainable market for private submersibles does not exist ....
a way to create a market for private submersibles from scratch must be
devised. The question is... How in the World do I do that? This is the
question that I have been asking myself for almost 12 years. To find an
answer to this question I have dedicated hundreds of hours collecting
data, analyzing business models, and studying the marketing schemes of
industries that have contended with similar issues successfuly.
>From this, I believe, in my own humble opinion, that I have devised a
concept which may potentially create a market large enough to reduce the
cost of ownership of a private submersible to make it attractive enough
to spark an interest in the general public.
With this I want to add a peronal note. I am interested in this for many
reasons, but the most important reason is because I love submersibles
and I truly believe that they should be available to the general public.
Since 1991 I have had the privilege of making a decent living working
with submersibles, and I can continue doing what I am doing and retire
comfortably doing it. However, If I can make a decent living sharing my
passion with others, and creating something of value for others, that
would be much more rewarding than enjoying it all by myself. My intent
is to continue doing what I love to do, and shrare it with others, while
making a living and having fun doing it. The moment is no longer fun is
the time to get out.... that is my personal belief.
I am willing to discuss this with anyone who is seriously interested in
getting involved in it. My only requirement is that all who are truly
interested in this must sign a non-disclosure agreement. If anyone is
really serious about this, this should not pose a threat as it is a
common business practice. If from these discussions enough interest is
leveraged, it may be possible to form a venture which could be mutually
beneficial (or mutually
catastrophic) for all involved. :-) These discussions could take place
in a private forum online, or at psubs discretion, a private forum could
be set up here.
What do you think? Post your comments online....
Take care,
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