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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] sub parameters

Hi, All . . .

Eric's got an interesting point.

I remember how Frank Busby's book was such a contribution to my design
research all those years ago.

The author had laid out the various parameters in each of the subs he
featured.  They were arranged in table format and included such things as
cruise/top speed, operating depth, range, surface/submerged displacement,
ballast layouts, equipment, dry/wet, one-at/ambient, motor size, power
sources, propulsion type, designer, current owner, and other relevant

Would we be able to include this information in a web site?  Easily.

I'm putting together a submersible web site at the moment.  If this seems to
be a popular item (I need feedback) then by all means let me know.

I can include this info but I'd like to restrict it to Eric's suggestion of
personal sub owners/operators/builders (whether in the water or not,
including flower beds).  I don't want to duplicate Busby's work.  Small subs
that are not homebuilt but that share a common interest (e.g.: Deep Worker)
would obviously fit in.  Alvin, Deep Quest and NR-5 would not.

BTW, one-at/ambient suits (WASP-type, etc.), bells, habitats, ROV's,
scooters, backpacks, torpedoes (DPV's) are all acceptable.  Anything like
rebreathers will not be featured but will be linked.

What I would prefer are sub pics to go with the data.  I would much prefer
GOOD pics.  Poor quality photos are a disservice to the viewer and will not
be accepted for the web site.  That includes blurry photos and anything with
too much background or pics with poor resolution.  Zoom in nice and close
except where context is important.  Please use flash as much as possible to
get rid of shadows, especially in direct sun.  It doesn't have to be art.

Exceptions are photos or illustrations that are impossible or impractical to
duplicate or improve.  I promise not to be anal about it.

PHOTO SUGGESTIONS: Details are very important.  See the following . . .

Designer/builders will require representative pics of boats underway, subs
underwater (especially), details of forward planes and aft empennage
(bellcranks, joysticks/wheels, linkage, etc.), anchor storage, rescue
systems, life support, navigation, motors, cockpit and instrument layouts,
hull forms, ergonomics, canopy/viewport layouts, battery boxes,  fasteners,
hatches, lighting, construction steps, building jigs, shop layouts, and any
other mechanical contrivances that I haven't thought of.

Designers also need sources of inspiration regarding hull forms/canopy
shapes and so forth.  Airplane simulator/real cockpits, sci-fi novel covers
of spaceships, etc. are ALL relevant.  We can do the left brain editing
later.  This site is intended to cover as much of the creative process as
possible.  Think "Burt Rutan".

And, yes, I will be including formulas and other teckie stuff .

So, your opinions, please.

Rick Lucertini
Vancouver, Canada

----- Original Message -----

From: "Erik Muller" <emuller@naic.edu>
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Boucher, RPM - sub info.

> Hi Folks,
> I think this is question is a validation for an on-site page which can
> disseminate information about the various parameters of peoples
> currently operating subs.
> I tried to implement such a thing a while ago, and the information page
> was designed by warrens brother. It works very well, though no-one seems
> particularly interested in contributing to it. I'm not sure if this
> means that absolutely noone has operating subs (which I know is not
> true), or that people are just not inclined to share that level of
> information.
> I personally would LOVE to know about the physical parameters of
> operating machines, though I suppose I am in a minority. Is this the
> case? Is there anyone else who is interested in discovering some
> empirical correlations with parameters like displacement, resistive
> cross section, thrust, velocity, power.. etc etc etc.?
> If so, is there space to make such an information page more immediately
> visible on psubs?
> EM.
> Brian Cox wrote:
> > Hi,  I have a question for Gary Boucher if he is listening!   On your
> > sub "Vindicator" I was wondering what RPM your propeller motor runs
> > at?  I can't remember if you go direct electric propeller or if you
> > said that it is a hydrolic motor?  Thanks

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