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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] I Disagree Rick

Hi, Dan & all . . .
I liked your response.  Let's look a little further . . .
Regarding your post, we are, in fact, in agreement.  Here are some quotes from my own post:
    "Unfortunately, artists don't (usually) make good builders"
    "a dry, ambient pressure boat suits my needs perfectly" (emphasis on MY)
    "The engineering mentalities will get their boats built.  The rest of us with much prettier ideas . . . well, we'll see you at the             dock."
Just to clarify, if a builder/user relegates his/her design to the technical aspects of engineering, and ignores the engineering of the human/machine interface, it is to their peril.
BTW, for those unfamiliar with the field, engineering is simply one of the most creative professions out there.  I'm putting emphasis here on human engineering (ergonomics). 
More than just using the proper coloured lights in an instrument panel, it also includes the measure of stimulus in the brain's pleasure centres.  The intensity, consistency, and repeatability of pleasure derived from an experience (diving in a sub) will determine whether the subject (the sub pilot) will return for more.  Like the rats whose pleasure centres were electrically stimulated whenever they pressed a lever (they collapsed from "pleasure"), the sub pilot will return for more if his/her pleasure centres are stimulated appropriately.
It begs the question: Do we want a creation that we will enjoy?  That we will have a long lasting experience with?  "Enjoyment" and "long lasting experience" are, as illustrated above, quantifiable and expressed in the final product in a tangible form: Whether the user continues to use the product or shelves it to go onto something better.
So, the above is really a fancy-pants way of saying you need to enjoy the sub piloting or you won't repeat the experience.  And why won't you repeat it?  The experience WAS NOT VIVID ENOUGH.
Rick Lucertini
Vancouver, Canada
p.s.: before becoming an artsy I studied engineering.  I'm intimately familiar with the process of quantifying human needs.
----- Original Message -----
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] I Disagree Rick

Sure, esthetics are important in build almost anything the eye can see, but it's the engineering that gets the job done.  The artist part in a sub is way back there somewhere.  Behind a whole bunch of engineers.
If not for the engineering, we'd all be OOOH-ing and AAAH-ing over pictures and sculptures of subs and none of us would have anything to actually dive in.
|||    Rick: Agreed  :-)
Heck, if all you want is a panoramic view of the first 100 feet, SCUBA dive and spend your sub money on a towel to dry off with afterwards.
|||    I've been diving since 1974.  A submarine redefines the underwater experience.  I've been under ice, worked commercially, night/wreck/current/shark/manta rayed and fed wolf eels by hand and more.  All truly wonderful but, even that gets trite (for me) after a while.  Maybe I'm jaded.
The appeal of a sub is either to go past SCUBA depth, and for a longer time then SCUBA allows, or dive and stay in a dry atmosphere.
|||    For those with those priorities these assumptions are true.
if you want to dive without getting wet and live to do it again, you better be a damn good engineer first off.
|||    Ditto
Truth be told, most people that actually build a sub do it for the challenge of the build
|||    Again, another assumption.  I'm the parent of three young children.  I don't need more challenges!  What motivates me is simply the passion whose genesis was derived from a story I read in 1966.