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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] UK psuber's / ROV - thread now moving offline... reluctantly

Thank you to the people who asked us to keep our thread online.
It was also my opinion that was a reasonable place to discuss this topic.
I'm sure there must be others who are interested in ROVs and AUVs as well.
There was in fact only one complaint directed at me, asking me to remove the thread,
and I have since lost all respect for this particular person.
Now as for the comments about "cleaning up" our discussion, the "tone of the converstaion becoming harsh"
and the name calling....to what are you people referring?  And I don't understand the "kindergarden"
remark either.
I thought the conversation Steve and I had begin was quite legitimate....when I mentioned to Steve
that I was asked to remove this thread, he became angry (as did I as a matter of fact), and he expressed
his anger.  If it is THAT particular note you are referring to, then (as he said quite clearly) he won't be
repeating it...otherwise, I have missed something completely.
We will keep the subject of our notes pertinent (ie. ROV), so those not interested can stay clear.
I hope we can all get past this now...I can't stand wasting energy and time on being angry and sending
angry notes.
Again, thank you to Rick and the others who suggested we stay.
Julian Ford
Ontario, Canada
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, August 29, 2004 4:42 AM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] UK psuber's / ROV - thread now moving offline... reluctantly

Hi, Steve - please leave your ROV material, opinions, questions, queries ONLINE with the rest of the group.
You were wise to quote from the list's charter.  I personally have no interest in ROV's.  I've tried them and they don't turn me on.  And so what?  They without a doubt belong on the list.
Subject headings are to contain relevent titles for a reason: As a time saver to those who may or may not have an interest in the subject.
A number of years ago the list had a similar request to move a sub related discussion offline.  The request was ignored for obvious reasons and roundly criticized.
Warm regards,
Rick Lucertini
Vancouver, Canada