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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] UK psuber's / ROV - thread now moving offline... reluctantly

    Yes you can use a Stainless bolt in an aluminum flange.  It will corrode but nothing lasts forever.  You're building an underwater vehicle and it will always be a high maintenance machine. 
    In regards to this ROV thread removal thing....there is nothing wrong with talking about ROV's, they are an underwater vessel.  But lets clean up the value of what is being posted.  This is not kindergarten, nor is it a discussion grope for a university project.  And as for being British,,,I cant believe you even brought it up.  Thats one of the most ridicules things I've ever seen posted here.  This is a multi national underwater forum in regards to the ocean and the machines that are used in it, the ocean has no borders.  We are above this slant from a little kid like you.  Grow up, if you have some thing significant to say, then say it. If you have a question, ask it.  But don't get on here and talk about where you live and cry like a baby because you want to play with your friend in a public place. You obviously have great talent at building and designing things. The picture of your ROV shows this to be true.  Talk about how it is built and the programs you use for steering it and what you use for ballast, stuff like that, OK.  DJB      

Brian Cox <ojaibees@ojai.net> wrote:
I think it is probably because the tone of the conversation was becoming harsh with the name calling,  ROV's are ok as far as I know. 
Does anyone know if I can bolt a stainless steel bolt to an aluminum flange?  Will the dissimilar metal situation cause excessive corrosion?  I want to use aluminum on one part because of the ease of machining but I don't think aluminum bolts would be strong enough.
----- Original Message -----
From: steve
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Sent: Saturday, August 28, 2004 3:25 PM
Subject: RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] UK psuber's / ROV - thread now moving offline... reluctantly


thanks for letting me know, I look forward to continuing our discussion, but upon receiving your email i find i am disappointed yet again by this group.

>>> Steve, I have been asked to remove this discussion thread from this newsgroup, so I will
>>> Email you directly this weekend.      Julian

Oh i'm sorry, did i miss something?  Asked to remove the thread.   ?    

yes, i am slightly pissed off.  this will be my only complaint e-mail on this subject, reply as you want but i am making a point to the group and i wont be following this up.  
do however, want to quote from the organisational charter:

"PSUBS.ORG was organized to promote and encourage the discussion, designing, building, certifiying, owning and use of personal submersibles.   We define a personal submersible as any submarine vehicle, manned or un-manned, dry, semi-dry, or wet that is owned and operated by individuals or small private groups and clubs. In general, a personal submersible is any underwater vehicle that can be owned by a member of the general public, housed in their own garage, and does not require a floatilla of support ships or large support staff to operate."

maybe i read this wrong but, an ROV IS  'A SUBMARINE VEHICLE', 'UNMANNED', 'SELF BUILT' and 'IS OWNED BY A MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC' and is thus relevant for discussion. it has been said, there can never be too much discussion.

Here's me, i am actually building something relevant, an underwater vehicle, as are many on this group but why shouldn't i be able to continue the thread on the news group? what is it that disagrees with the group.   Is it the ROV bit or us Brits or was my picture not professional enough for moki?  maybe it is because i only have a budget of about $2000 and not the $20,000+ to build the full size version that i do want to build one day.

the thread has only been taken up by two people but so what! todays amateur ROV builder is maybe tomorrows sub pilot.  it was starting to dwindle away anyway.   i've tried looking for other discussion forums on that subject but the project of a college team about 3 years ago wasn't open to me.  closed membership.

look forward to and do follow everything that gets posted and there have been times when the relevance to manned subs has gone off on a huge tangent, but look how we, sorry, look how you, deal with the interested, albeit sometimes naive, people that wander in, post a question, and get the piss taken out of them...for what? asking a question.  and if you don't know the answer NO question is ever a stupid one.

i'm trying not to be bitter, ok we'll take it offline, but just consider it does just about amount to censorship....not too long ago the group was blasted for being too picky about things and the resulting flame war almost got out of hand.  think on that next time it's really quiet and a college kid asks something odd.

point made,

regards, steve

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-personal_submersibles@psubs.org [mailto:owner-personal_submersibles@psubs.org]On Behalf Of Julian Ford
Sent: 28 August 2004 04:25
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] UK psuber's / ROV

Steve, I have been asked to remove this discussion thread from this newsgroup, so I will Email you
directly this weekend.

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